Abstract: With the lofty title of international chief knowledge officer, you’d think Rod McKay was ruling a global empire or traversing the world in a corporate jet. It’s not that glamorous. The Lethbridge, Alta., native does travel a lot, but on regular airlines. He often finds himself making late-night, work-related telephone
Knowledge Management Skills Requirements Report
Abstract: One of the stated services the Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) provides to the OGC Foundation’s Knowledge Management Club is to undertake research on specific KM issues. This study is to examine on of the topics that the club has expressed an interest in: Knowledge Management skills. The purpose
Educating Seven Information Skills for Personal Knowledge Management
Abstract: This paper clarifies Personal Knowledge Management, and its seven information skills, as a framework for the education of those preparing for knowledge work roles in global business and management. The seven information skills highlighted are: (1) retrieving information; (2) evaluating information; (3) organizing information; (4) collaborating around information; (5) analyzing information;
A new Knowledge Management group: Association of Knowledgework (AoK)
Abstract: A new online association is formed where knowledge workers and knowledge managers can share common ground. A new KM group has been formed on the radical premise that knowledge workers and knowledge managers ought to belong to the same organization. The Association of Knowledgework (AoK), an online group, went live
Value of internal knowledge infomediaries
Abstract: Businesses are discovering the value of internal infomediaries. The disjunction between company employees and company knowledge hasn’t always been so acute. A business is, after all, a community of sorts, and every community has librarians, chroniclers, sages and gossips. But as the speed of business has accelerated, the tolerance for