Abstract: As knowledge management becomes an accepted core function in organisations, why are so few librarians at its leading edge? Is our core professional ethic, service to clients, an inhibiting factor? What are the knowledge skills and attitudes that information professionals need to participate effectively in the knowledge aware organisation? How can information professionals
New M.Phil. in Information and Knowledge Management @ Stellenbosch University
Abstract: New, challenging Masters degree in Information and Knowledge Management offered in South Africa The importance and impact of the effective access to and utilization of information content and technologies for the relative competitiveness of individuals, companies, nations and regions in the global information economy and society are generally accepted by
Increasing opportunities for knowldege certification
Full text from publisher » Jeff Angus: Certifiably Knowledgeable, Knowledge Management Magazine (Need
Knowledge Management PhD?
In the Yahoo! Group of the Knowledge Management Consortium International (KMCI) Roy asks: Hello, can anyone suggest good universities which offer a doctorate in knowledge management and other strategic issues for the internet economy? Roy Join the discussion » Roy: ph. D? KMCI Yahoo! Group,
Hiring a Knowledge Management Consultant
Read more » Amy Roffmann New: How to Hire a Knowledge Management Consultant. The New Company, November 2, 2000 Copyright © The New