Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Consolidated Workshop*
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The European and U.S. Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop, organised by the Networked Knowledge Organization Systems and Services (NKOS) network/working group, explores the potential of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), such as classification systems, taxonomies, thesauri, ontologies, and lexical databases, in the context of current developments and possibilities. These tools help model the underlying semantic structure of a domain for purposes of information retrieval, knowledge discovery, language engineering, etc. The workshop provides an opportunity to discuss projects, research and development activities, evaluation approaches, lessons learned, and research findings. A further objective is to systematically engage in discussions in common areas of interest with selected related communities and to investigate potential cooperation.
Other NKOS Conference Workshops/Sessions:
- 2021-2022: Virtual Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Consolidated Workshop
- 2003, 2005, 2008, 2019, 2022: Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop or Special Session (co-located with DC – Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative (DCMI) International Conference)
- 2015, 2016, 2018: Asian or NKOS/DCMI Regional Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop (co-located with ICADL – International Conference for Asian Digital Libraries)
- 2002: Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Special Meeting (Co-located with NetLab (Department) and Friends of Conference)
- 2008-2015 (ecxept 2009, 2011) Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Session (Co-located with ASIS&T AM – Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology)
Conference History:
NKOS Consolidated Workshop 2024 @ DCMI Conference, October 20, Toronto, Canada /Virtual venue
Workshop Theme: Knowledge Organization Systems in AI & AI in Knowledge Organization Systems
(Co-located with DMCI Conference – International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications)LLM Demonstrations:
Leveraging Generative AI for Multilingual Thesaurus Development: Insights from the Confucius Ceremony Cultural Vocabulary
The Ontology enhanced multimodal large language models for the Knowledge Organization and Representation of multi-modal cultural memory resources
Using LLMs for Enriching Metadata with Links to KOS and Knowledge Graphs: Case Finnish Named Entity LinkingKnowledge Graph Demonstrations:
The African Knowledge Hub: Role of the SDG taxonomy (KOS) in harnessing, exploring, and navigating knowledge of the United Nations System – Africa
Patent citation link prediction based on graph neural networkML Demonstrations:
Exploring Patient Perspectives on Anticipating and Mitigating Potential Harms of LLMs in Depression Self-Management
Testing use of an LLM algorithm on Gene Ontology (GO) dataset
Using KOS AI to expedite the conference experienceAI and KOS Demonstrations:
Evaluating AI Assignment of Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)
Mapping the Global AI Landscape using AI and KOSNKOS Consolidated Workshop 2024 @ ISKO Conference, March 21, 2024, Wuhan, China
Workshop Theme: Knowledge Organization Systems in AI & AI in Knowledge Organization Systems
(Co-located with ISKO Conference – International Society for Knowledge Organization Conference)Workshop Presentations:
Towards Taxonomy Management with Generative AI
The Method and Evaluation of use of LLMs to Build Science-Technology Relationships Ontology in Agriculture Domain –Taking the Hull-less barley as an example
AI-based Approaches to Automatic and Computer-Supported Resource Description in Archaeology
Automatic Datafication and Metadata Creation by AI in the Digital Humanities Research: A Case Study of Archives of Qing Secret Societies
ISO 29564: Intro
ISO 29564: Focus GroupNKOS Workshop 2023 @ DCMI, November 9, 2023, Daegu, South Korea / Virtual venue
(Co-located with DCMI – International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, Nov 6-11)Papers and Invited Talks:
Generating a Classification Using ChatGPT
How to ACT: DEI and KOS
Modeling Ritual Activities of Intangible Cultural Heritage
National Agricultural Library Thesaurus (NALT) for the Machine AgePapers:
Contribution of Singapore People, Organisations and Places Name Authority Data
Linking Bibliographic Data to Hidden Knowledge Workers, TranslatorsPanels:
KOS Terminology Services (America & Asia)BioPortal and OntoPortal
MedPortal and BMICC
OCLC FAST and DeweyKOS Terminology Services (Europe)
State-of-the-art browsing of SKOS resources in AgroPortal
KOKO upper ontology cloud
Linked Conservation Data
Chinese Iconography Thesaurus
Panel Q&ANKOS Workshop 2022 @ DC, October 6-7, 2022,
University of Washington, Seattle, USAVirtual venue
(Co-located with DC – Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative (DCMI) International Conference, Oct 3-5)Main focus:
Health-related KOS issues and contributions
How KOS enables remote work and collaborationPanel Discussions:
Comparative ClssificationWorkshop Presentations:
Challenges, opportunities, and approaches in a health KOS vocabulary’s revisions –Insights from ICD-11
From health professionals’ discourse to KOS: representing the facets of allergy in the Integrative Levels Classification
Comparing MTI Indexing at the NLM to Human Indexing: A Pilot Study
Collecting Distributed KOSs and Building Meta Information
Toward a Framework for Visual Nomen
Skylines and guidelines: Policies and procedure manuals for knowledge organization in institutional repositories
Investigating COVID-19 Analytics and Research with Clinical Knowledge Organization Systems
Initial Development of a Linked Data Infrastructure for Strength Training Information: Linked Fitness Training (LiFT) OntologyKeynotes:
Equity and Inclusion and the Getty Vocabularies
20th European NKOS Workshop 2022, June 23, 2022, Virtual venue
Workshop Theme: Cultural Hospitality and Indigenous Knowledge in KOS
(Co-located with ACM/IEEE JCDL – Joint Conference on Digital Libraries; Co-organizer: ISKO Italy)
Note: The workshop was originally scheduled for Jun 23-24, 2022
Workshop Presentations:
Adapting Homosaurus for LGBTQI Fiction in Sweden
Representation of Indigenous Stories in Cultural Heritage Digital Libraries: A Metadata Approach
Indigenous Knowledge Organization (invited presentation)
digitalpasifik.org – Reflections on designing and delivering a bridge between worlds
Getty Vocabularies: Issues Surrounding Diversity and Inclusion (invited presentation)
Panel discussion with presenters
NKOS Consolidated Workshop 2021, September 22-23, 2021, Virtual venue
Workshop Sessions:
Modelling and Representation of Complex KOS; KOS Ecosystems; KOS Collaboration; Geospatial Relationships; Domain Modeling; Mapping Schema VocabulariesNKOS Consolidated Workshop 2020, September 9-10, 2020, Virtual venue
Workshop Sessions:
COVID Crisis KOS; KOS Development Methods; Insights into Knowledge Organization; KOS Discrimination, Sensitivity, Users & Uses
19th European NKOS Workshop 2019, September 12, 2019, Oslo, Norway
(Co-located with TPDL – International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
Roundtable Discussion
Benefits and barriers for (KOS-based) Linked Data
NKOS Workshop 2019 @ DC, September 26, 2019, National Library of Korea, Seoul, South Korea
(Co-located with DC – Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative (DCMI) International Conference)Workshop Sessions:
Terminology Development; Domain Modeling; Validation; Annotation & EnrichmentKeynotes:
Paradigmatic Similarities in Knowledge Representation between AI and Ontological Systems3rd NKOS Workshop 2018 @ ICADL, November 19-22, 2018, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Workshop Theme: Metadata Modeling, Deep Image Annotation, and KOS Vocabulary Development for Digital Collections of Cultural Objects
(Co-located with ICADL – International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries)Presentations & Discussions:
Deep Semantic Indexing (DSI) of Images for Cultural Heritages
Ontological Modeling for Special Collections Metadata
The Metadata Architecture of Pre-Modern Chinese Maps
Metadata for Non-Conventional Cultural/Historical Resources: Japanese Pop-culture and Disaster Archives
Event-based Macro Ontology Modeling for Historical Resource Collections
IFLA Library Reference Model: Finally here – what next?
18th European NKOS Workshop 2018, September 13, 2018, Porto, Portugal
(Co-located with TPDL/DCMI joint conference: TPDL – International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries/ DC – Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative (DCMI) International Conference)
- Workshop Sessions:
Alignment/enrichment of metadata to existing KOS Linked Open Data; KOS alignment/interoperability; Automatic KOS-based subject indexing / classification /entity-extracting
11th U.S. NKOS Workshop 2017, October 28, 2017, Crystal City, VA (Washington, D.C.), USA
(Co-located with DC – Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative (DCMI) International Conference)
- Workshop Sessions:
Research Data Issues; Cultural Heritage LOD Demonstrations; Science KOS Methodology Issues
Invited Presentations:
The RDA Vocabulary Management: Supporting RDA in a Multilingual World
17th European NKOS Workshop 2017, September 21, 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece
(Co-located with TPDL – International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
2nd NKOS/DCMI Workshop 2016 @ ICADL, December 5-9, 2016, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
Workshop Theme: Metadata Modeling and Knowledge Representation for Research Data
(Co-located with ICADL – International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries)Panel Presentations:
Development of an Ontology to Model Socio-Demographic Information in the Curation of Questionnaire Data
Types of Reuse: Methods of Developing a Taxonomy for Data and Software Reuse
Quality of entity-level data linking and mashing-up based on LOD-enabled KOS vocabularies
Modeling metadata with a KOS approach: The case of gravitational wave research dataKeynotes/Invited Talks:
KOS in Information Retrieval Experiments
The Global Agricultural Concept Scheme and Agrisemantics
16th European NKOS Workshop 2016, October 15, 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
(Co-located with DC – Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative (DCMI) International Conference and ASIS&T AM – Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology)
- Workshop Sessions:
NKOS in Research and Data Management; NKOS In Information Retrieval; NKOS Design; Interoperability and linked Data; Linked Data and Evaluation
15th European NKOS Workshop 2016, September 9, 2016, Hannover, Germany
(Co-located with TPDL – International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries; Co-organizer: German ISKO)
- Workshop Sessions:
1st Asian NKOS Workshop 2015 @ ICADL, December 9, 2015, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Workshop Theme: Progress in NKOS
(Co-located with ICADL – International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries)Workshop Sessions:
KOS & Linked Data; KOS & Information Organization and Analysis; KOS Modeling & ApplicationsKeynotes:
Extending BIBFRAME to cover Performed Music
14th European NKOS Workshop 2015, September 18, 2015, Poznan, Poland
(Co-located with TPDL – International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
13th European NKOS Workshop 2014, September 11-12, 2014, London, UK
(Co-located with Digital Libraries (DL), joint TPDL – International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries & JCDL – ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
Mapping between vocabularies (special session); Session n.a.
12th European NKOS Workshop 2013, September 26, 2013, Valletta, Malta
Workshop Theme: Networked Knowledge Organization Systems and Services
(Co-located with TPDL – International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
Meaningful Concept Display & Concept Visualization; KOS-based recommender systems (demo session); KNOWeSCAPE (special session); Integrating KOS
10th U.S. NKOS Workshop 2012, December 6, 2012, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington DC, USA
Workshop Theme: Semantic Search: Magnet for the Needle in the Search Haystack
(Joint NKOS/CENDI Workshop)
- Workshop Sessions:
Setting the Landscape; The User Perspective; Future Research (Student lightning talks)
Discussion Panels:
The Value Proposition for Semantic Search: A User Panel
The Semantic Web Landscape
11th European NKOS Workshop 2012, September 27, 2012, Paphos, Cyprus
Workshop Theme: Networked Knowledge Organization Systems and Services
(Co-located with TPDL – International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
KOS driving user applications; ISO 25964 Thesaurus Standard; KOS as infrastructure
10th European NKOS Workshop 2011, September 28-29, 2011, Berlin, Germany
Workshop Theme: Networked Knowledge Organization Systems and Services
(Co-located with TPDL – International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
SKOS, linked data; Ontology special session; Further topics
9th European NKOS Workshop, September 9-10, 2010, Glasgow, Scotland
Workshop Theme: Networked Knowledge Organization Systems and Services
(Co-located with ECDL – European Conference on Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
Mapping, mapping relationships and retrieval performance; User centred KOS design and evaluation; SKOS and linked data
9th U.S. NKOS Workshop 2009, October 22, 2009, The National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, USA
Workshop Theme: Knowledge Organization Systems: Managing Toward the Future
(Joint NKOS/CENDI Workshop)
- Workshop Sessions:
Toward a Shared Development Environment; Toward Interoperability; Toward Ontologies and the Semantic Web
8th European NKOS Workshop 2009, October 1, 2009, Corfu, Greece
Workshop Theme: Networked Knowledge Organization Systems and Services
(Co-located with ECDL – European Conference on Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
Design models and methodologies, including user-centred approaches; Poster Session, Viewing & Discussion; Semantic web applications and implications of KOS; Session n.a.
NKOS Workshop/Special Session 2008 @ DC, September 24, 2008, Humboldt University zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
(Co-located with DC – International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications)Presentations+Discussion:
How to explore KOS and social tagging in combination (“Vocabulary support 2.0”)
Controlled subject/topical vocabulary in metadata: developing best practices related to semantic web usages (SKOS etc.)
Metadata registries vs Terminology registries vs Service/Collection registries: Synergies and differences
7th European NKOS Workshop 2008, September 19, 2008, Aarhus, Denmark
Workshop Theme: Networked Knowledge Organization Systems and Services
(Co-located with ECDL – European Conference on Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
Social tagging; Networked Knowledge Organisation Systems; Terminology Registries; Domain-specific, facetted KOS
8th U.S. NKOS Workshop 2008, September 11, 2008, The World Bank, Washington DC, USA
New Dimensions in Knowledge Organization Systems
(Joint NKOS/CENDI Workshop)
- Workshop Sessions:
Knowledge Organization Systems; Knowledge Organization Services
6th European NKOS Workshop 2007, September 21, 2007, Budapest, Hungary
Workshop Theme: Networked Knowledge Organization Systems and Services
(Co-located with ECDL – European Conference on Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
Folksonomies and Social tagging; Implications of online KOS applications; Mapping
Panel Discussions:
Project ISO NP 25964: Structured vocabularies for information retrieval
5th European NKOS Workshop 2006, September 21, 2006, Alicante, Spain
Workshop Theme: Networked Knowledge Organization Systems and Services
(Co-located with ECDL – European Conference on Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
KOS representation and services; User participation and semantic components; Semantic Web Special Session; Briefing session
Guest Speaker:
A tentative typology of KOS: towards a KOS of KOS?
NKOS Special Session 2005 @ DC, September 23, 2005, Carlos III University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Session Theme: Enhancing the Understanding of Meaning: Practical Applications of Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS)
(Co-located with DC – International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications)Showcase Presentations: Activities aimed at improving the semantics of metadata
A Pilot SKOS API Web Service Browser: The Role of KOS and Ontologies
(Metadata and) Vocabulary Registries
Persistent Identifiers of Concepts/Terms/Relationships – a DCMI perspective
Ideas and activities with respect to identifiers in the context of the Dewey Decimal ClassificationCase Presentations:
Case Studies from the National Biological Information Infrastructure and the NASA Goddard LibraryQuestion & Answer Session (audience and experts)
4th European NKOS Workshop 2005, September 22, 2005, Vienna, Austria
Workshop Theme: Mapping Knowledge Organisation Systems: User-centred Strategies
(Co-located with ECDL – European Conference on Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
User-centred design issues; Mapping and semantic interoperability; Briefing session
Guest Speakers:
Case study on agency-wide taxonomy for intergovernmental organization. Discussions on practical applications of KOS
7th U.S. NKOS workshop 2005, June 10-11, 2005, Denver, USA
Workshop Theme: Next Generation Knowledge Organization Systems: Integration Challenges and Strategies
(Co-located with ACM/IEEE-CS JCDL – Joint Conference on Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
Case Studies on Interoperability and Integration of Knowledge Organization Systems; Relevant Standards Activities; Methodologies, Tools and Strategies
3rd NKOS Workshop 2004, September 16, 2004, Bath, UK
Workshop Theme: User-centred approaches to Networked Knowledge Organization Systems/Services (NKOS)
(Co-located with ECDL – European Conference on Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
User centred approaches to KOS; Standardization initiatives; KOS applications and methods
2nd NKOS Workshop 2003, August 21, 2003, Trondheim, Norway
Workshop Theme: Networked Knowledge Organization Systems/Services (NKOS): Evolving Standards
(Co-located with ECDL – European Conference on Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
NKOS Projects and Research; Invited presentations on international KOS standards initiatives
NKOS Special Session 2003 @ DC, September 30, 2003, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Session Theme: Metadata Value Spaces
(Co-located with DC – International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications)Presentations:
6th U.S. NKOS Workshop 2003, May 31, 2003, Houston, USA
Workshop Theme: Building a Meaningful Web: From Traditional Knowledge Organization Systems to New Semantic Tools
(Co-located with ACM/IEEE-CS JCDL – Joint Conference on Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
Transforming Traditional KOSs into New Semantic Tools
From Legacy Knowledge Organization Systems to Full-Fledged Ontologies; Semantic Network Services; Standards and Principles for Developing Search and Browse Vocabularies
NKOS Special Meeting 2002, April 12, 2002, Lund University Libraries, Lund, Sweden
Meeting Theme: Discussion of standard developments regarding the use of thesauri, classification and other KO systems on the net
(Co-located with NetLab (Department) and Friends of Conference)Workshop Sessions:
Visions, future issues and current development; Interoperability and integration of heterogeneous sources; Semantic web and knowledge organisation; Nordic libraries and their digital library solution; Tension between visions and realityNKOS Special Meeting:
Discussion of standard developments
5th U.S. NKOS Workshop 2002, July 18, 2002, Portland, USA
Workshop Theme: Digital gazetteers Integration into distributed digital library services
(Co-located with ACM/IEEE-CS JCDL – Joint Conference on Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
Digital gazetteers as DL components; Protocols for accessing distributed gazetteers and thesauri; Gazetteer integration projects
4th U.S. NKOS Workshop 2001, June 28, 2001, Roanoke, USA
Workshop Theme: Classification Crosswalks: Bringing Communities Together
(Co-located with ACM/IEEE-CS JCDL – Joint Conference on Digital Libraries)
- Workshop Sessions:
Presentations; Discussions
NKOS Vocabulary Mark-up Language; Knowledge Organization Sources Content Description and Registry Project; Knowledge Organization Sources Typology Project
1st Special Workshop on NKOS, September 20, 2000, Lisbon, Portugal
Workshop Theme: European initiatives and projects / options for global co-operation
(Co-located with ECDL – European Conference on Digital Libraries)
- Invited Talks:
OIL: The Ontology Inference Layer
Thesaurus Mapping
Report on NKOS activities in North America
Having the Right Connections: The Limber Project
General (or optionally small-group) discussion:
NKOS position statements, research topics, project experiences and perspectives
3rd U.S. NKOS Workshop 2000, June 7, 2000, San Antonio, USA
(Co-located with ACM DL – Digital Libraries Conference)
- Presentations:
Background on NKOS activities; European update on NKOS-related activities; Specification for an Ontology Exchange Framework; The Scholarly Ontologies Project; Digital Gazetteer Information Exchange (DGIE); Community Supported Knowledge Organization Systems for the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE)
2nd U.S. NKOS Workshop 1999, August 14, 1999, Berkeley, USA
(Co-located with ACM DL – Digital Libraries Conference)
- NKOS Registries Update
Workshop Sessions: R&D presentations
CERES: An Httpd-Based Distributed Thesaurus Standard
Datafusion: RDF and Thesauri
A Multi-thesauri Management System with Web Interface
EPA: Terminology in ISO/IEC 11179 Metadata Registries -> Thesauri, Data Elements and Ontologies
Thesauri and Metadata Schemata at Microsoft; Vocabularies, Tools, Metrics
Workshop on Application of Terminology and Classification Tools for Digital Collection Development and Network-Based Search, June 27, 1998, Pittsburgh, USA
(Co-located with ACM DL – Digital Libraries Conference)
- Workshop Sessions: Discussion Groups
Data Model; User/Functional Model; Thesaurus-level Metadata and Thesaurus Registries; The Business/Intellectual Property Model
Workshop on Thesauri and Metadata, July 26, 1997, Philadelphia, USA
(Co-located with ACM DL – ACM Digital Libraries Conference)
- Presentations:
Thesauri for Knowledge-Based Assistance in Searching Digital Libraries,
Conceptual Searching Using Thesaurus-Based Metadata
The Use of Subject Vocabulary in a Distributed Search
Metadata for a Dynamic Networking Learning Environment
Thesauri and Metadata in the Alexandria Digital Library Project
Automated Classification for Networked Information Retrieva