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AI & Knowledge Management: Academia-Industry Summit (AIKM)

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The AI (Artificial Intelligence) & Knowledge Management: Academia-Industry Summit (AIKM), aka International Conference on AI & Knowledge Management: Academia-Industry Summit (AIKM), will seek to explore developments in AI including machine learning and generative AI (i.e., ChatGPT) and their impact on and implications for the various components of the knowledge industry.

International Society for Knowledge Organization Low Countries Conference (ISKO LC Conference)

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The International Society for Knowledge Organization Low Countries Conference (ISKO LC Conference) is the annual conference of the International Society for Knowledge Organization Low Countries Chapter (ISKO LC), covering Belgium, Luxembourg and The Netherlands. It intends to showcase innovative, inspirational and multidisciplinary research in a relentless pursuit towards excellence in the study of Knowledge Organisation.