Africa Regional Conference on Knowledge Management (ARCKM)*
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The Africa Regional Conference on Knowledge Management (ARCKM), formerly the Regional Conference on Knowledge Management (RCKM), provides a regional platform for professional communication and understanding of the significance of Knowledge Management for innovation. It gives a voice to Knowledge Management on a regional scale and follows the developments in Knowledge Management, promoting its practical implementation within Africa.
The IAO or Kenyan Knowledge Management Summit focuses on strengthening the capacities of participants based on topical issues by experts who will share their experiences. This will be anchored on discussions during presentations and the knowledge fair. The discussions will raise awareness on systematic methodology of implementing Knowledge Management in organizations to promote best practices for enhanced Knowledge Management in respective organizations. Major components of the summit will center on the mechanisms for knowledge services that will include knowledge service audit, knowledge strategy, elements of a knowledge strategy and challenges of building a knowledge strategy.
The conference and summit are organized by Information Africa Organization (IAO).
Conference History:
(CANCELLED, webinar instead)
5th ARCKM 2023, 27-30 November 2023, College of Insurance, Nairobi, Kenya / Virtual venue
Conference theme: Development and Indigenization of Knowledge Management Systems in Africa
(Host: College of Insurance)
Note: This conference might be cancelled: Alternative event: “Media in the African Context” e-workshop, November 29, 2023, Online
Conference Sub-themes:
Pan-Africanism and Africa we Want
– African Culture and Value Systems
– Indigenous Knowledge and Governance
– Indigenous Knowledge Management Systems and their Role in the Pan-African Movement
Artificial Intelligence
– Knowledge Production in the Era of AI
– AI and knowledge authenticity
– AI as an Enabler for Knowledge Management
Indigenous Knowledge Management Systems
– Advancing the Utilization of Indigenous Knowledge
– Improving Indigenous Knowledge Systems
– Partnerships and Indigenous Knowledge Promoters
Language and Development
– Language Development
– Language Dynamics
– Lack of Language Policy and its Effects
– Language and Identity in the Globalization Framework
Cultural and Economic Development
– Development In Cosmopolitan and Multi-cultural Africa
– Information and Knowledge Landscape in Africa
– Status of Indigenous Technologies and Innovators
– Climate Change and Indigenous Technologies/Knowledge
4th ARCKM 2022, 21-25 November 2022, Technical University of Mombasa, Mombasa, Kenya / Virtual venue
Conference theme: African Indigenous Knowledge Management and Sustainability: Harnessing the Contemporary African Challenges
(Host: Technical University of Mombasa, Enterprise Limited)
- Keynotes:
Women Centered Leadership: Voices of The Ancient African Queens
Indigenous knowledge, traditional knowledge and local knowledge: Informetrics perspectives of their differences and similarities
Re-invoking indigenous knowledge systems for improved living environments on the African continent
Revamping Indigenous Knowledge Values of African Literature: A Case Study of Nigeria’s Lost Indigenous Knowledge Literatures for Children
Preservation of Bukusu Beliefs: The Role of Language Dynamics in Sustainability
Social Media use by Undergraduate Students at Technical University Mombasa
Education and Information Roles of Knowledge Information Management Professionals in Public libraries in Sensitizing People on the Impact of Climate Change in North Central Nigeria
Indigenous Education: The Four Sacred Medicines as a Resource in Academia
Strategies Adopted for Managing the Acquired Knowledge by Traditional Herbal Medical Practitioners in South – West Nigeria
Traditional Medicine Information Knowledge: Role of Librarians in their Preservation
Realization of development agenda in Africa: the imperativeness of community engagement and sustainable partnership approach
IP tools for the protection of Traditional Knowledge in Africa: A critical analysis
Adoption of ICT application for indigenous knowledge sharing and conservation
Challenges collaborative and partnership approach in promoting health information literacy in developing countries: perspectives from rural communities Africa
Missing Language Manuals: The Nexus between Children Literature and African Cultural Preservation in the African Child
Assessing the impact of mobile use for accessing information on sustainable
The Effects of Record Management Practices on Service Delivery: A Case Study of The Technical University of Mombasa Healthcare Center
The Reality of the Yoruba language in the New Media
Kenyan Knowledge Management Summit, 22- 24 May 2019, Mombasa, Kenya
Conference Theme: Strategic Knowledge Management for Governments, Developed Governments and the Private Sector
Role of open data in enhancing National and County Governments; Collaborations towards achievement of the Big Four Agenda; Knowledge Based Systems; Knowledge and Process Management; Knowledge Mining and Discovery; Artificial Intelligence; Knowledge-Driven AutomationSummit program n.a.
4th ARCKM 2018, 23-25 November 2018, Mombasa, Kenya
Conference theme: Knowledge Management for Leadership, Innovation, Creativity and Sustainability
- Sub-themes:
Knowledge Management and the Economy; Knowledge Management for Organizational growth; Innovations in Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management for Governance and Advocacy; Knowledge Management and Information; The 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR)
Conference Program TBD
IAO Knowledge Management Summit, May 24-25, 2018, Mombasa, Kenya
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management for Organizational Growth, Sustainability and Innovation
Note: One of the summit objectives is to build a Knowledge Management community through formation of a Knowledge Management Association or a professional association; The summit was originally scheduled for May 21-24, 2021, as Kenyan Knowledge Management Summit
Knowledge Services; Knowledge Service audit; Knowledge strategy; Elements of a knowledge strategy; Challenges when building a knowledge strategyKnowledge Share Fair
Summit program n.a.
3rd ARCKM 2017, 22-24 November 2017, Mombasa, Kenya
Conference theme: Knowledge Management in the Digital Era: Transforming Africa Through Sustainable Development Goals
- Sub-themes:
Knowledge Management and the Economy; Knowledge Management for Organizational growth; Innovations in Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management for Governance and Advocacy; Knowledge Management and Information
Conference program n.a.
2nd RCKM 2016, 23-25 November 2016, Nairobi, Kenya
Conference theme: Knowledge Management for Sustainable Development in Africa
- Sub-themes:
Knowledge Management and the Economy; Knowledge Management for Organizational growth; Innovations in Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management for Governance and Advocacy; Knowledge Management and Information
Knowledge Management in the 21st Century
Plenary Session
Round Tables:
Knowledge café
Mapping for the next conference
Knowledge Management: A New Paradigm in the Information Profession Developing a Knowledge Management framework for the Postal sector
Transfer of tacit knowledge among staff at the Kenya National Library Service, Nairobi County
Management of court records in support of admiration of justice: the case of Eldoret chief magistrate’s court
Traditional Medical Practitioners’ Information Documentation in Matazu Local Government Area of Katsina State
The efficacy of knowledge sharing strategies used at Egerton university by livestock value chain actors
Knowledge Management Research; The perspective of African Scholars from Google Scholar Database
Steps towards achieving the Knowledge Society, the case of Malawi’s Education Sector
Meeting the Information Needs of the Pastoral Nomads through Knowledge Management Strategy by Public Libraries in Nigeria
Social Media as a Conduit for Indigenous Healthcare among the Samia of Busia County
Peer Informal Social Interaction for Information Sharing among Archives and Records Management Students in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria
Repositories of government information centres in Kenya
Evaluation of Knowledge Management implementation in Nigeria Postal Service (NIPOST)
Role of knowledge management in leveraging ethical paradoxes in Universities
Organisational Factors and Quality Management Practice in Nigeria Manufacturing Industry: Evidence From Honeywell Plc
The Impact of Databases on Knowledge Management in Academic Libraries
Developing a Knowledge Management framework for the Postal sector
Building Leadership from Within: The Librarian as Chief Knowledge Strategist
The impact of cultural barriers on knowledge management in higher learning institutions (Egerton University)
Benefits of knowledge management for the growth of organizations
1st RCKM 2015, 18-20 November 2015, Nairobi, Kenya
Conference theme: Knowledge Management and Innovation: Transforming Africa Through Knowledge
- Sub-themes:
Knowledge Management and the Economy; Knowledge Management and Socio-cultural/ education; Knowledge Management for Organizational growth; Innovations in Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management for Governance and Advocacy; Knowledge Management and Information Professionals
Keynote Address:
Agricultural Productivity Value Chain Outreach Teaching and Learning (VCOTaL) vis-a-vis Knowledge Management: The Nexus Challenge in an Afro-regional Context.
Towards a competitive economy through knowledge sharing between institutions of higher learning and the industry
Challenges and Prospects of ICTs Use in Agricultural Marketing: The Case of East Hararghe Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia
Application of Knowledge Management in the Improvement of Public Services: Concretizing the Prospects for Kenya
I-FARM System: A Mobile Phone Based Agro- Weather Tool For Climate-Smart Agriculture
Becoming a Learning Organization
Dimensions of Information and Knowledge Sharing among Academics in Universities in Nigeria and South Africa
Accessibility of electronic resources: closing the gap for users with disabilities: case study of Egerton university
Knowledge Management Capability in Higher Education: the Case of Lecturers at Mzuzu University, Malawi
Enhancing Knowledge Caption and Management through Collaboration
Applying Knowledge Creation Model in Indigenous Knowledge Research
The Role of ICT in Utilization of Teff Technologies in Enebsie Sar Midir District, East Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia
Implementing Knowledge Management Prac tices in University Libraries in Kenya
Knowledge Storage, Retrieval and Employee Performance: The Moderating Role of Employee Engagement
Information Sourcing And Packaging In The Digital Era: A Study Of Radio Journalists In Western Kenya
Content development as an enhancer of health in Africa: the experience of Amref Health Africa
The Impact Of Cultural Bariers On Knowledge Management In Higher Learning Institutions (Egerton University)
The Role of Social Media in Political Mobilization: In January 2011 Tunis Uprising
Factors Influencing Utilisation Of Electronic Resources In University Of Nairobi, Mombasa Campus Library
A study on the Unfolding technologies in libraries. A case study of Egerton University Main Library Campus
Group Activity:
Conference Resolutions & Presentation
Closing Remarks:
The Practical Side of Knowledge Management Connection
Knowledge Services, and Knowledge Sharing Connection—The Organizational “Road Map” for Open Innovation (emphasizing the strategic alliance between IAO and SMR International)
I would like to get more details of this upcoming conference: Kenyan Knowledge Management Summit. Kindly send the programme and registration details.
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Jan 21, 2019 – Boris)
Kindly can I get the contact information for the person I can reach out to concerning the 4th ARCKM. Email address…. Phone number may do.
Thank you.
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Nov 16, 2018 – Boris)
Please send me detail of the 2018 conference.
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Feb 6, 2018 – Boris)