Syne Holdings*
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This site will be updated with no ads and linked to its KMedu opportunities
as soon as the provider subscribes to this service!
(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)

Syne Systems/Holdings, formerly KnowGenesis Communications, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Syne Learning & Research (was: KnowGenesis Global Learning Services)
Certification Courses
- Knowledge Management Course (online)
Introduction to Knowledge Management
Implementing Knowledge Management
Infrastructure, Evaluation and Leverage
KM System Analysis, Design and Development
Knowledge Management Team Building
Knowledge Management Process Cycles
Knowledge System Deployment and Analysis
Measuring ROI and Performance
Specials! IT Knowledge Management
Software Tools in KM
Internet Principles and ApplicationsCertifications:
Level 1: KnowGenesis Certified Knowledge Specialist
Level 2: KnowGenesis Certified Professional
Level 3: KnowGenesis Certified Expert