Abstract: The knowledge management (KM) discipline has seen an increase in awareness in recent years, yet many might be left feeling puzzled by what exactly KM is, and what career bucket it falls into. With many KM practitioners and advocates arguing for standardisation of the industry and the opportunities embedded within it, this article
corporate librarian
Exploring the benefits of Knowledge Management education for LIS professionals
Abstract: It is to be expected that in a new and emerging discipline like knowledge management (KM) there still will be ambivalence among both LIS educational institutions and their students, as to the need to have KM courses. Investigating the benefits of engaging with these programs might help to clear up this ambiguity. The
Fast-Track Knowledge Management Careers
Abstract: A Summary of Some Fast-Growning KM Careers A good barometer for measuring the acceptance of a movement might be the appearance of related recruitment ads in leading newspapers and employment services. If so, the dozen or so knowledge management positions listed in recent Sunday editions of the New York Times,