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Global Development Conference*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Global Development Conference, organized by the Global Development Network (GDN), aims to gather the world’s most influential researchers, corporate leaders and political figures on a common platform where they can interact with each other and discuss the most pressing challenges in social and economic development. Formerly the conference was abbreviated

Knowledge for Development Partnership Conference (K4DP Conference)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Knowledge for Development Partnership Conference (K4DP Conference), initially the Global Knowledge for Development Summit, quasi-successor of the Austrian Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Politics (Agenda Knowledge), aims to review the advancement of knowledge management practices in the field of sustainable development and presents a new agenda to strengthen knowledge societies and economies for

International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (i-IKM)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The biennial International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (i-IKM), organized by East West University (Department of Information Studies and Library Management), is designed to generate new knowledge in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS). It aims to disseminate experiences regarding the existing scenario of LIS and also to inform about best practices

High-Level Meeting on Country-Led Knowledge Sharing (HLM on CLKS)**

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The biennial High-Level Meeting on Country-Led Knowledge Sharing (HLM on CLKS), formerly the High-Level Meeting on (Towards) Country-led Knowledge Hubs (HLM), is now a key activity under the Global Partnership for Knowledge Sharing (GPKS) which is part of the Knowledge Sharing for Results (KS4R) Program, hosted by the World Bank’s South-South Experience Exchange Facility (‘South-South

Asian Development Bank Knowledge Forum (ADB Knowledge Forum)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Asian Development Bank Knowledge Forum (ADB Knowledge Forum), organized by the ADB Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department and the ADB Knowledge Sharing and Services Center, will bring together knowledge practitioners and leads from international financial institutions and other multilateral organizations, internal and external partners, and ADB staff to learn and discuss knowledge management