Global Development Conference*
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The Global Development Conference, organized by the Global Development Network (GDN), aims to gather the world’s most influential researchers, corporate leaders and political figures on a common platform where they can interact with each other and discuss the most pressing challenges in social and economic development.
Formerly the conference was abbreviated with GDN’YY.
Conference History: (relevant conferences)
19th Global Development Conference 2019, 23-25 October 2019, Bonn, Germany
Conference Theme: Knowledge for Sustainable Development: the Research-Policy Nexus
(Host: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and others)
From research to sustainable development action: interdisciplinary research, knowledge sharing, evidence brokering; The global and shared challenges of sustainable development: migration, climate change, health, etc.; Next frontier challenges: Big Data, AI, digital transformation; Greater local ownership and sustainability: implications for research policies and funding
Plenary Sessions/Panels:
Next frontier challenges: Big Data, AI, digital transformation
Knowledge architecture for fast-tracking sustainability: implications for research policies and funding
Parallel Sessions/Panels:
Equitable knowledge systems are essential for sustainable development: what is needed to put them in place?
Transnational knowledge cooperation for sustainable development
Knowledge and decision making in water and natural resource management in SE Asia
3rd Global Development Conference 2001, December 9-12, 2001, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference Theme: Blending Local and Global Knowledge
(Host: Government of Brazil)
Conference Sessions:
Polycentric institutions as a way of blending local and global knowledge
Disseminating knowledge via the internet: the experience of the Development Gateway
1st Global Development Conference 1999, December 5-8, 1999, Bonn, Germany
Conference Theme: Bridging Knowledge and Policy (Official launch of the Global Development Network)
(Host: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and others)
Thematic Streams:
Development Research for Policy; The Business of Think Tanks; GDN Products
Plenary Sessions:
Bridging The Gap Between Knowledge And Policy
Opening Policy Knowledge to Societal Participation
Conference Sessions/Workshops/Panels:
Connecting the Poor: Information and Communication Technologies for Development
Education for All: Challenges for the New Century
The Knowledge-Policy Nexus
The Market for Knowledge
Bridging Knowledge and Policy: One the Liberates is Knowledge
Bridging Knowledge and Policy: The Importance of Non-governmental Think Tanks in the Development of Market Democracies
Opening policy knowledge to social participation : Agrarian Reform in the Philippines
Scan Globally, Reinvent Locally: Knowledge Infrastructure and the Localization of Knowledge