Filed in: e-learning

The Learning Ideas Conference (TLIC)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Learning Ideas Conference (TLIC), formerly the International Conference on E-learning in the Workplace (ICELW), brings together researchers and practitioners from around the world, welcoming anyone interested in the uses of technology to improve education and workplace learning. It has been designed to encourage collaboration among people from around the world with a variety of

eLearning Africa – International Conference & Exhibition*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The International Conference & Exhibition on Digital Education, Training & Skills Development (eLA or eLearning Africa), from 2019-2023 the International Conference & Exhibition on ICT for Education, Training & Skills Development (eLA or eLearning Africa) and until 2018 the International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training (eLearning Africa or eLA), is the largest

World of Learning Summit (WoL)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The World of Learning Conference & Exhibition (WoL or WOLCE) in Birmingham, formerly the World Open Learning Conference and Exhibition (WOLCE) and the World Open Learning for Business Conference and Exhibition (WOLCE or WOLCE for Business), organized by the Venture Marketing Group, is a two-day event that brings together leading experts, brands and professionals from

didacta – die Bildungsmesse*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

didacta – die Bildungsmesse, ehemals die Bildungsmesse und ursprünglich die Bildungsmesse Interschul/didacta1), ist eine Fachmesse für Lehrkräfte aller Bildungsbereiche. Sie gibt einen Einblick in das gesamte Bildungswesen von der frühkindlichen Bildung, über die schulische / außerschulische Bildung bis hin zur beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung. Die Messe wird abwechselnd in Köln und