Abstract: This poster reports the results of a preliminary investigation on the skills and educational requisites that appear in knowledge management (KM) job advertisements. KM is generally understood to encompass tactics and practices that enable organizations to identify, capture, represent, and make available understandings and insights that can be found within individuals and groups.
educational requisites
Responding to the Challenges of Knowledge Management Education in the LIS Sector
Abstract: As a newly emerging field of study, KM education is faced with significant challenges which continue to evolve. Informed by wider organisational perspectives, this paper presents the findings of recent research into this field. The first part of the research was in the form of an online survey canvassing the views of the
Knowledge management and the LIS professions
Abstract: This paper looks at the complex web of interrelationships that is emerging as the library and information professions come to terms with the growing phenomenon of knowledge management. This is manifest at one level in the wider organisational and business context, and at another in the professional and employment spheres. Two of the