Faculty Training Institute (FTI)*
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The Faculty Training Institute (FTI) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Training Courses
- Principles of Information and Knowledge Management (6 days)1)
- Day 1: What is Knowledge and Information Management?
Day 2: The learning organisation and creating strategic advantage
Day 3: Introduction to knowledge networking
Day 4: Techniques and processes
Day 5: Information and communications technologies
Day 6: Future directions and Project presentations - Assertiveness for Knowledge Professionals (2 days)
- The meaning of assertiveness
The importance of two-way communication in assertiveness
The building blocks of assertiveness
Assertiveness techniques for different situations - Professional Writing Skills for Knowledge Professionals (2 days)
- Initial principles of written communication
Planning and organisation of material
Style and vocabulary Level of formality
Figures and illustrations
Grammar, punctuation, spelling
Web Channels