In the discussion list of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community Darrin Q. asks: Hello, I have been in the field of training and development for 8 years now. I discovered knowledge management in graduate school and ever since I have been studying best practices and talking with other experts in
Global Knowledge Management Congress & Awards: Credible?
In the discussion list of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community Connie C. asks: I had a message from the Global Knowledge Management Congress & Awards in Mumbai about an award. Did anyone else receive a similar message? Does anyone else know about this conference? Stan, I see you have it
Seeking “customer facing” Knowledge Management job/role descriptions
In the discussion list of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community bsvahn99 asks: I am conducting an assessment of KM organization structures as well as developing an updated “customer facing” KM job description for our global group. Would you be willing to share the role/job description for your “customer facing” KMs?
Advice for the Knowledge Management Master’s degree at Kent State University
In the discussion list of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community Thomas F. asks: At Kent State University, we are in the process of strengthening our degree in Knowledge Management. I am advising the committee to streamline and strengthen the degree and to reduce it to 36 credits, from the current
NY/NJ/PA Area Knowledge Management (SIKM) Get Together
In the discussion list of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community Howard C. asks: Dear SIKM Members, I have an opportunity to host a meet up in Warren, NJ at the Chubb Insurance Group headquarters this November. I am attaching a link to select a date and time when most