The Stellenbosch University (SU; Afrikaans: Universiteit Stellenbosch), formerly known as the University of Stellenbosch, Victoria College, Stellenbosch College, Arts Department at the Stellenbosch Gymnasium, and the Stellenbosch Gymnasium, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
Sheffield Hallam University (SHU)*
The Sheffield Hallam University (SHU), formerly the Sheffield City Polytechnic, the Sheffield Polytechnic,…, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
21st Century Knowledge Management Group*
The 21st Century Knowledge Management Group, quasi-successor of the Knowledge Management Cluster (KM Cluster®), formerly the San Francisco Bay Area & Silicon Valley Knowledge Management Cluster (SF/SV KM Cluster) and the San Francisco Bay Area Knowledge Management Consortium International Chapter (SF KMCI Chapter),1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
National University-Asia Pacific College (NU-APC)*
The National University-Asia Pacific College (NU-APC), formerly the National University-Asia Pacific College (NU-APC) Consortium and the Asia Pacific College (APC),1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
The Cynefin Company
The Cynefin Company, formerly Cognitive Edge, Cynefin with Cynefin North America also known as the Cynefin Centre, and the IBM Cynefin Centre for Organisational Complexity,1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training