Abstract: The paper presents the case of a developing nationâ ”Kuwait” for analyzing its corporate job market for developing and knowledge professionals. The paper is based on the analysis of a body of research that has cumulated over the last 5-6 years. These studies were focused on the status of information management operations in
information and knowledge management
Attributes of information service professionals for information and knowledge management
Abstract: A value learned by information service professionals in ‘information studies’ is the belief that the key to empowering people is sharing expertise and information, and collaborating across organisational boundaries and functional units. This belief has become part of the information professional’s ‘culture’, part of our value system – the normal and accepted way
New M.Phil. in Information and Knowledge Management @ Stellenbosch University
Abstract: New, challenging Masters degree in Information and Knowledge Management offered in South Africa The importance and impact of the effective access to and utilization of information content and technologies for the relative competitiveness of individuals, companies, nations and regions in the global information economy and society are generally accepted by