The International Conference on Knowledge Based Management (KM4D), formerly the International Conference on Knowledge Management (KM4D) and the Knowledge for Development Partnership Meeting in Iran, is a 1 day conference held in conjunction with the International Award on Knowledge-Based Management (KM4D) Award Ceremony (the award is also known as the KM4D International Knowledge Management Award
knowledge economy
ASIS&T panel on Career Development in Knowledge Management
Abstract: This is a SIG-KM sponsored panel presented by members of the SIG-KM officer team. First, the panel will overview their experience in knowledge management (KM) as scholars and scholar-practitioners. They will briefly discuss their career development successes and hurdles as a roadmap for others to follow. Second, the panel will discuss career pathways
University of New South Wales (UNSW)
The University of New South Wales (UNSW), currently branded as UNSW Sydney, formerly the New South Wales University of Technology, rooted in the Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts and the Sydney Technical College, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
How Knowledge Mangement is taught and discussed in UK top 40 business schools
Purpose: The emergence of “knowledge economies” brings along new lenses to organizational management and behaviour. One of the key concepts at the heart of this new wave is knowledge management (KM). The purpose of this paper is to scrutinize how KM is taught and discussed within the context of business schools around the UK.
Library and Knowledge Science Education!?
Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to explore the changes in library education in the context of the emergence of both information science and knowledge management. This paper is based on the review of scientific literature published in books, journals, websites, and other secondary sources and on the authors own viewpoints. The