Abstract: The concept of the emergence of a knowledge integrator node in project teams or internal and external networks of a firm is explored. Aspects of the literature on the knowledge creation process and key actors and their roles and knowledge management in boundary-spanning networks development in multinational companies are presented. A grain trading
Knowledge Engineer
Formal and non-formal Knowledge Management education in Russia
Abstract: The article is devoted to the identification of key features of training specialists in knowledge management and systematization of information sources available to them. The relevance of the subject is related to the growing need for managerial personnel, capable of organizing work with knowledge at the enterprise in order to achieve competitive advantages.
Become a Knowledge Engineer
Abstract: New technology means renewed fears of how it might affect your job. Artificial intelligence (AI) has captured the attention of organizations across all sectors — including 80% of CEOs who plan to implement AI into their organization within the next 12 months. Reports suggest “knowledge-based” workers are most at-risk of losing their job
Knowledge Management Team Roles in Customer Service
Abstract: Whether implementing a new Knowledge Management initiative or maintaining Knowledge Management in BAU, customer service organisations need to consider the following roles for a Knowledge Team. All organisations are different, so the size and scale of the team may vary, and you may have individuals performing multiple roles simultaneously.
Knowledge Scientists
Abstract: Organizations across all sectors are increasingly undergoing deep transformation and restructuring towards data-driven operations. The central role of data highlights the need for reliable and clean data. Unreliable, erroneous, and incomplete data lead to critical bottlenecks in processing pipelines and, ultimately, service failures, which are disastrous for the competitive performance of the organization.