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Knowledge Management career
…opportunities, track, path, areas, development etc.
A Twofer: Making a Successful Knowledge Management Manager
Boston KM Forum Monthly Thursday Afternoon Meeting, Jan 21, 2010 (lynda) This workshop will cover the key elements for making a successful KM leader and give participants a guide to finding coursework to help them fill gaps in their own education or for people they supervise. We’ll wrap up with one
KMedu relevant articles in the ‘Toolbox for IT Wiki’
Find below a list of articles and categories in the ‘Toolbox for IT Wiki’ that are relevant to Knowledge Management education: Disclaimer: ‘Toolbox for IT Wiki’ is a service that allows content to be created and edited by anyone in the community. Content posted to this site is not reviewed for correctness
Information & Knowledge Management Curricula at the Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS)
Abstract: Three basic questions were raised to start with: What characterises the present curriculum of Knowledge Management master programme at RSLIS and How has the content of KM changed during the years? What might have influenced the curricula changes during the years? To what extent have
Knowledge Management Employment?
In the Toolbox for IT Group Knowledge Management Career Prabal asks: Hi, I was wondering if there was anyone who can provide a meaningful response to my following query on knowledge management employment: 1). Does one need an in-depth technical background for a typical knowledge management job or general management i.e.