Abstract: I am frequently asked about the value of knowledge management (KM) certification. I don’t recommend KM certification, but some of the associated training can be helpful… Are you certified in knowledge management? Do you know of other accreditation related to KM? What do you think about the value of KM certification?
Knowledge Management Consultant
Knowledge Management career path
Abstract: One of our clients got in touch recently to ask if we had any good examples of organisations with a career path for their Knowledge Management professionals. The honest answer was No, we don’t have any examples, and there does not seem to be much out there on the web
Asian College of Knowledge Management (ACKM)*
The Asian College of Knowledge Management (ACKM), 1) 2) ATTENTION!… formerly the Asian Knowledge Management Association (AKMA), and the Asian Academy of Knowledge Management (AAKM), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Proud Parent Knowledge Management Leader
Abstract: Remember when I would post to this blog at least monthly – usually weekly? The reason for my decrease in posting is actually related to a very keen insight on knowledge management, and what it takes to be pirmary care giver to a KM system. Blogging has taken back
Hiring a Knowledge Management Consultant
Read more » Amy Roffmann New: How to Hire a Knowledge Management Consultant. The New Company, November 2, 2000 Copyright © The New