Abstract: Yes, this will be a debate, I’m sure! Lots of opinions and points of view available. I closely follow any new jobs posted for Knowledge Managers to try to determine what is going on out there. In short, I believe there is confusion. Yes, I agree, the role and responsibilities
Knowledge Management practitioner
Knowledge Management Practitioners Society Kenya (KMPSK)
The Knowledge Management Practitioners Society Kenya (KMPSK)1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Job functions and requirements for knowledge managers in South Africa
Abstract: The study explored the job functions and requirements for knowledge management practitioners through the analysis of job advertisements appearing on 12 major jobsites in South Africa. It aimed to provide vital information that can assist in re-examining knowledge management education in library and information science (LIS) schools in South Africa. A total of
Knowledge Management Skills and Capabilities Required in South Africa
Abstract: The absence of an adequate framework that defines Knowledge Management (KM) skills and capabilities makes it extremely difficult to determine the roles and responsibilities of knowledge practitioners in South Africa. Defining these skills and capabilities is essential because KM focuses on the gathering and storing of organisational information to ensure the effective and
“Mary Poppins” Knowledge Management Practitioner
Abstract: I am a KM Practitioner. Here is Why I Feel like Mary Poppins. 1) Our job descriptions 2) Our bag of tricks 3) Our status as outsiders Being a part of the SIG-KM community, however, reminds me that there are other people out there