Abstract: One of the characteristics of knowledge-based economy is the rapid pace of change that affects our lives, organizations, and society in general. The rapid increase in communication technologies and information has created an overflow of information and knowledge. Cultural, social, and technological changes and economic pressures have produced a fast-changing environment, particularly in
Knowledge Management programs
Library and information science, knowledge management, curriculum
Abstract: Knowledge Management has a multidisciplinary nature. This feature has ensured its influence on a wide range of fields of professional endeavour. The broad interdisciplinary nature of the subject; as well the appearance of multiple perspectives toward it; with the presence of a rang of strategies within various KM environments have brought multiple approaches
Roles, tasks, units, and activities for Knowledge Management
Abstract: In the last years,Knowledge Management(KM)studies have focused on the foundations of this “new managerial discipline”. Today, there is an increasing need to transform the theoretical speculations into managerial tools, and to find solutions to practical questions concerning daily KM activity. A key issue that still requires investigation regards the management of human resources
Governance and Leadership of Knowledge Management
Abstract: This chapter introduces a framework for analyzing governance arrangements of KM programs. The framework is used to analyze the organizational structures, processes and relational mechanisms, including leadership matters, which guide the KM program of a large European corporation. The analysis focuses on the issues KM leaders and staff encounter in defining their KM
Interview with Knowledge Management guru Dr. Michael JD Sutton
Abstract: Brainovation is very excited to present a very thorough interview with Knowledge Management guru, Epistemologist and Educator Dr. Michael JD Sutton. Dr. Sutton is an Assistant Professor at the Bill and Vieve Gore School of Business, Westminster College. Dr. Sutton brings a unique view to Knowledge Management given a very comprehensive