Filed in: knowledge management skills

Society 5.0 Knowledge Managers Curriculum

Abstract: When “quality being everyone’s business” coincides with the reality of a disruptive work environment, critical self-evaluation becomes an essential tool to ensure accountability. Academics who design curricula and their tuition offering have a certain degree of freedom in what and how they teach. However, academics need to be consciously discerning, yet inclusive, about

University Knowledge Management Education in South Africa

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) has been embraced by the industry as furthering the competitive advantage of organisations with knowledge being seen as a commodity in the knowledge economy. KM is multidisciplinary in nature and as such KM graduates hail from various disciplines. KM professionals perform various KM roles with specific KM skills and competencies

Strategies to Boost Your Knowledge Management Skills and Expertise

Abstract: Knowledge management skills are essential for organizations to optimize the capture, distribution, and utilization of knowledge. As businesses increasingly rely on knowledge as a vital asset, the demand for skilled knowledge management professionals continues to grow. Enhancing your expertise in this critical discipline can significantly impact your career. In this article, we explore