The Knowledge Management Institute Foundation, officially the Institute for the Promotion of Knowledge Management for Society (ITD; Thai: มูลนิธิสถาบันส่งเสริมการจัดการความรู้เพื่อสังคม),1) also known as the Thailand Knowledge Management Institute (TKMI), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
knowledge management
Strategic Management Society (SMS)
The Strategic Management Society (SMS) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Centre for Informatics, Knowledge Management and Knowledge Economy (CIKMKE)*
- South African Knowledge Management Professional Association (SAKMPA)
Jones International University (JIU)*
The Jones International University (JIU)1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Professional Training Service (PTS)*
Professional Training Service (PTS; Thai: บริการฝึกอบรมแบบมืออาชีพ), formerly a business unit of Datapro Computer Systems, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training