The University of Copenhagen (UCPH; Danish: Københavns Universitet, KU) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
knowledge organization
International Digital Enterprise Alliance (IDEAlliance)*
The International Digital Enterprise Alliance (IDEAlliance), formerly the Graphic Communications Association (GCA), a member of the Printing United Alliance (formerly: Printing Industries of America), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Fielding Graduate University (Fielding)*
Fielding Graduate University (Fielding), formerly the Fielding Graduate Institute and the Fielding Institute, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Aslib – The Association for Information Management*
Aslib – The Association for Information Management, formerly the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux (Aslib), since 2010 a division of Emerald Group Publishing,1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Birmingham City University (BCU)
Birmingham City University (BCU), formerly the University of Central England in Birmingham (UCE Birmingham), Birmingham Polytechnic, and Birmingham College of Art, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training