University of Washington (UW)
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The University of Washington (UW, simply Washington, or informally U-Dub) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Information School1)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- PhD in Information Science (research area: Indigenous Knowledge; Knowledge Organization)
- NKOS Workshop 2022 @ DC, October 6-7, 2022,
University of Washington, Seattle, USAVirtual venue
(Co-located with DC – Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative (DCMI) International Conference, Oct 3-5) - 8th North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO 2021), July 9-11, 2021, 2021, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Resilience, Resistance, and Reflection: Knowledge Organization at a Crossroads - 10th International Conference on Communities & Technologies (C&T 2021), 21-25 June 2021,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USAVirtual venue
Conference Theme: Wicked Problems in the Age of Tech (working title: Communities of Action, Emerging Technologies, and Wicked Problems)
(Host: Technology and Social Change Group, Information School & Center for Communications and Civic Engagement, Communications Department) - 3rd International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DC-2003), 28 September – 2 October 2003, Seattle, USA
Conference Theme: Supporting Communities of Discourse and Practice – Metadata Research & Applications
(Host: Information School and Libraries, University of Washington; Information Institute of Syracuse, Syracuse University)
UW Extension2) – Professional & Continuing Education
- IMT 589 Knowledge Management Summer Institute: Conceptual Foundations and Current Best Practices (5-day workshop; 2006-2009)**