- Sub-theme: AI and Knowledge Management
LIS education
BOBCATSSS Association
The BOBCATSSS Association, formerly the European Association for Library and Information Education and Research (EUCLID),1)2) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
International Conference on the Ethics of Information & Knowledge Organization*
The International Conference on the Ethics of Information & Knowledge Organization, successor of the Milwaukee Conference on Ethics in Knowledge Organization (EKO), formerly the Milwaukee Conference on the Ethics of Information Organization (EIO), initially the Conference on the Ethics of Information Organization (EIO), aims to emphasize the characteristics and theoretical approaches that can build
Knowledge Management Education in iSchools
Abstract: The emergence of Knowledge Management (KM) has raised an on-going debate on how it may relate to pre-existing fields and schools of thoughts. The main dispute focuses on whether Library and Information Science (LIS) and KM are distinct fields of specialisation. Whilst one school claims that KM is merely a new name for
Multidisciplinary Information Research Symposium (MIRS)*
The Multidisciplinary Information Research Symposium (MIRS), organized by the Universuty of North Texas (UNT) College of Information, the UNT Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Student Chapter, and partners, is a one-day research symposium to showcase the research efforts of information scholars and practitioners. It will be inclusive of workshops, sessions for ongoing and