The Controller Institut (CI; English: Controller Institute), formerly the Österreichisches Controller Institut (ÖCI; English: Austrian Controller Institute),1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
2002: Österreichischer Wissensmanagement-Kongress**
Organisiert vom Österreichischen Controller-Institut (ÖCI) von 1999-2002
Plattform Wissensmanagement (PWM)*
The Plattform Wissensmanagement (PWM), hosted by the Know-Center of the Technical University Graz and formerly by the Wissenschaftszentrum Wien,1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Conferences World Map
Featured Conferences (World)
Knowledge Management Russia (KM Russia)*
International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE)*
Knowledge Building Summer Institute (KBSI)*
Knowledge Building: Creating Coherent Knowledge to Advance Socially Significant Goals
GfWM KnowledgeCamp (GKC)*
Wissensmanagement funktioniert
On the “Regional Pages” you can browse the world regions for the 2024 ff. Knowledge Management conferences, conferences related to Knowledge Management, and conferences with a Knowledge Management track, stream, topic, or theme. (more…)