Abstract: In an upcoming insightful article by Brian (Bo) Newman, The Education of the Knowledge Professions, Bo addresses the confusion existing in the KM training marketplace. He also addresses how to define the various stakeholders in the Knowledge Professions. The KMPro Learning Center is presently wrestling with these key issues for
roles and positions
Librarians vs. Knowledge Managers?
Abstract: A startling blog post entitled reflection on KM and libraries in law firms came over the transom today. In it Morgan Wilson, a law librarian, recounted his experiences of working in a library that was part of a law firm knowledge management department. These experiences led him to the conclusion that it
Knowledge management’s core function: guardian or guide?
Read more » V Mary Abraham: KM Guardian or KM Guide? Above
Roles in communities of practice
Abstract: Does a learning community or community of practice need roles to function well? Should you officially assign these roles to people or is it best if people spontaneously fulfill certain roles? What about the self-organising power of communities? On the 29th of March we did a session (we = Sibrenne Wagenaar en Joitske
Chief knowledge officers & chief learning officers: 17 case studies
Abstract: Since the dawn of human resources (HR) as a profession, many of its practitioners have wished for a seat at the executive boardroom table. The emergence of the knowledge era presents just such an opportunity. It is now recognized as never before that what truly matters are human resources — people