Read more » Nick Milton: What sort of KM training do you need?
roles and positions
Implications of Knowledge Management for LIS education
Abstract: Knowledge Management (KM) is a popular topic emerging from the business sector, which has influenced many fields of study, among them Library and Information Science (LIS). As KM is quite recent, there is still much ambiguity as to its nature and its place in LIS education. The current study sought
iKMS Knowledge Management Competencies Framework
Abstract: Although some KM professionals have well-defined roles and responsibilities, most tend to have multiple roles which change according to the immediate needs of their projects. This often makes it challenging to clearly define their varied responsibilities. This lack of definition makes it difficult to assess the skill-sets required for particular
Knowledge Management Education Forum (KMEF) – SMR International Special Report
Abstract: On May 5-6, 2011, the Knowledge Management Education Forum (KMEF) brought together some 75 educators in the field of knowledge management (KM) to share their thoughts about how KM is taught and how students learn KM. This First Annual KMEF Summit was held on the campus of George Washington University in Washington, DC.