Filed in: skills and competencies

Knowledge Management Competencies and Education for LIS Professionals

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: …Although LIS professionals play the role of information managers in handling organization’s documents and explicit knowledge, to establish a strong position in a KM environment they need to extend their roles by managing employee’s tacti knowledge on the basis of their distinctive knowledge-handling skills (Al-Hawamdeh, 2005). However, to help LIS professionals be involved

Survey on Challenges and Competencies needed by Chief Knowledge Officers

Abstract: A survey has investigated the challenges and competencies needed by Chief Knowledge Officers, as well as the next stage in the development curve of CKOs. The primary role of the CKO is to convert knowledge into profit by leveraging the organization’s intellectual assets. Key CKO competencies include: interpersonal communication skills; passionate, visionary leadership