University of West London (UWL)
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The University of West London (UWL), formerly the Thames Valley University (TVU), Polytechnic of West London, Ealing College of Higher Education, and the Lady Byron School, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
School of Computing and Engineering1)
Research Groups
- Information Systems and Knowledge Management (ISKM)1)
Undergraduate Degrees/Programs
- DipHE / BSc (Hons) in Information Systems with Information and Knowledge Management**
- BSc (Hons) in Information and Knowledge Management**
- BSc in Information and Knowledge Management**
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- PhD / Professional Doctorate in Applied Project Management (research area: Open innovation in knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) SMEs)
- PhD/MPhil (by research) in Knowledge Management**
- PhD by Published Work (subject area: Knowledge Management)**