Abstract: The emergence of Knowledge Management (KM) has raised an on-going debate on how it may relate to pre-existing fields and schools of thoughts. The main dispute focuses on whether Library and Information Science (LIS) and KM are distinct fields of specialisation. Whilst one school claims that KM is merely a new name for
University of Maryland (UMD)
Graduate programs related to Knowledge Management
Abstract: Knowledge management spans numerous disciplines, so it is not surprising that graduate level programs in KM have their roots in diverse fields. Some have emerged from library science and focus on the management of information, including records management. Others come from an IT perspective and offer enterprise information systems or database management programs.
Academy of International Business Meeting (AIB)*
- Tracks: “Global strategy and organization” Track Topics: Knowledge creation and transfer; Organizational learning
Gurteen Knowledge
United Kingdom based Gurteen Knowledge, formerly Gurteen Associates, is the consulting company of David Gurteen. David is an independent Knowledge Management consultant, speaker and facilitator. He helps people to share their knowledge; to learn from each other; to innovate and to work together effectively to make a difference! Gurteen Knowledge offers the following Knowledge Management
University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC)*
The University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC), formerly the independent University of Maryland University College (UMUC), the University of Maryland University College (UMUC), the College of Special and Continuation Studies (CSCS), and an evening program for adults at the University of Maryland (UMD), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training