platinus Consulting offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Wissen nutzen
wissensmanagement – das Magazin für Digitalisierung, Vernetzung & Collaboration
wissensmanagement – das Magazin für Digitalisierung, Vernetzung & Collaboration, formerly wissensmanagement – das Magazin für Führungskräfte, produced by the Büro für Medien Oliver Lehnert,1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalführung (DGFP)*
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalführung e.V. (DGFP; English: German Association (or Society) for Human Resource Management; Literally and formerly: German Association for Personnel Management), formerly Der Neue Betrieb (DNB; English: The New Company), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Celecta Consulting & Training *
Celecta Consulting & Training has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training