Truth about Chief Knowledge Officers and Knowledge Managers
Nick Milton: The surprising truth about Chief Knowledge Officers. Knoco Stories, 2 March 2015
Copyright © Knoco. All rights reserved.
Further reading:
- Nick Milton: CKOs (or KM team leaders) are generally appointed from within the organisation. Here’s why. Knoco Stories, 17 December 2020
- Nick Milton: CKO skills, revisited. Knoco Stories, 12 March 2020
- Nick Milton: Challenges for a new CKO (NASA video). Knoco Stories, 31 January 2020
- Nick Milton: CKO appointment – internal or external? Knoco Stories, 15 March 2019
- Nick Milton: The role of the CKO – Video from Ed Hoffman, ex-NASA CKO. Knoco Stories, 11 October 2018
- Nick Milton: Why do one third of Knowledge Managers have no KM skills? Knoco Stories, 25 April 2017
- Nick Milton: The role of the Chief. Knoco Stories, 28 February 2012