University of Central Lancashire (UCLan)*
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University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), formerly the Lancashire Polytechnic, Preston Polytechnic, Harris College, Harris Art College, and The Institution For The Diffusion Of Useful Knowledge, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
College of Business, Law and Applied Social Studies* > Lancashire School of Business and Enterprise1) > Division of HRM and Leadership*
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Human Resource Management / Development** (Advanced) PGDip (HRD Pathway Option: Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning**)2)
- Human Resource Management/ Development** MSc (HRD Pathway Option: Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning**)2)
UCLan – Cyprus > Center of Interdisciplinary Science Promotion and Innovative Research Exploration (InSPIRE)
- 8th European Conference on Social Media (ECSM 2021), 1-2 July 2021,
University of Central Lancashire – Cyprus, Lancarna, CyprusVirtual venue
(Organizer: Academic Conferences International)