University of Birmingham*
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The University of Birmingham, informally Birmingham University, successor of Queen’s College, and Mason Science College, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
School of Computer Science
- 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2023), October 21-25, 2023, Birmingham, United Kingdom
(Sponsor: ACM SIGIR (Information Retrieval) and ACM SIGWEB (Hypertext and the Web, Association for Computing Machinery; Organizer: University of Wolverhampton, School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences; University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science)
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences > Centre for Urban and Regional Studies (CURS) > Regional Trajectories to the Knowledge Economy (EURODITE) Project 1)
Linking in to global knowledge flows – for increased competitiveness in the knowledge economy, 22 April 2010, Malmö, Sweden
(Organizer: Nordregio Academy & Region Skåne)
A half-day conference on the topic of regional business development in the global knowledge economy. The seminar focuses upon the abilities of businesses and regions to tap into and capitalize upon global knowledge flows in local contexts. The event is based on the findings of the international research mega-project ‘EURODITE – Regional Trajectories to the Knowledge Economy’. The conference will report on the experiences of the four Nordic project partners with a particular focus on the tourism sector, food and drink sector, automotive sector and new media sector.
Valuing knowledge in business
EURODITE: the project and key findings
Knowledge anchoring in game development and film tourism
Cross-sectoral knowledge dynamics: Film tourism as an example
Knowledge dynamics in the food and drinks sector of Bornholm, pre-conference presentation
Knowledge dynamics in the food and drinks sector of Bornholm, conference presentation
Regional case study: Automotive crash-safety in Västra Götaland
What triggers knowledge interactions in firms and organisations?
Knowledge Recirculation and Public Policy: European Trends and Implications
Knowledge Recirculation Policies: The case of Top of Denmark Tourism, Northern Jutland
Tourism knowledge dynamics: Between local destinations and global markets
Media Evolution: Knowledge dynamics in the New Media Sector, A practitioners perspective
Regions and Knowledge Based Economy, 12 November 2009, Graz, Austria
(Organizer: Organized by the Steirische Wirtschaftsforderungsgesellschaft)
This conference is part of the EURODITE project, which addresses this deficiency by examining the dynamics of knowledge in the economies of European regions to inform policy makers seeking to promote the transition of Europe towards a knowledge-based society.
Introduction: The Knowledge Economy
Panel Session 1: Clusters, Regions and Knowledge
Regional and Inter-regional Knowledge Networks and Relationships
Knowledge Dynamics in the Skåne Film Tourism Industry
Knowledge for Innovation – Improving regional innovation success by collaborative knowledge creation and sharing
Knowledge dynamics in the cluster landscape in Styria
Panel Session 2: Policy Lessons for the Knowledge Based Economy
Policy Lessons from the Tourism Sector
Policy Lessons from the Biotechnology Sector
From shared knowledge to joint policy: how to streamline needs and interests of regional industry, research and politics
Instruments of the SFG in the frame of the Knowledge Based Economy
Regions in the Knowledge Economy Joint EURADA-EURODITE Policy Conference, 20–21 November 2008, Brussels, Belgium 2)
(Joint event with the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA), organized by the Department of Public Administration and Regional Development of the Ekonomicka Univerzita V Bratislave)
The conference will bring together the EURODITE researchers and the membership of EURADA, the European Network of Regional Development Agencies, in order to explore the role of regions in the development of the ‘knowledge economy’ and the European Union’s Lisbon Agenda. Speakers will present ideas on whether geographical proximity is still important in the ‘global knowledge economy’, the nature of the ‘regional knowledge value chain’ and present a Europe wide knowledge-based regional typology. In addition to presentations by keynote academic experts, the conference will offer workshop sessions enabling policy makers, academics and the audience to interact and discuss these important themes.
Knowledge Processes and Networks in Modern Businesses (EURODITE POLICY FORUM), 10 April 2008, Birmingham, UK
(Organizer: West Midlands Regional Development Agency, Advantage West Midlands)
This seminar will be an interactive and discursive event where international researchers will share their ideas about knowledge processes and networks in seven key sectors – Automotive, Biotechnology, ICT, New Media, Business Services, Tourism and Food and Drink with responses by policy practitioners drawing on practical lessons and experience gained from working in these sectors. The event will be of interest to anyone involved in economic development and regeneration or interested in understanding the role of knowledge in the new economy and how knowledge is generated, used and shared through networks and innovation.
- Eurodite meeting, Bratislava, 18th-19th October 2007