Uppsala universitet*
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The Uppsala universitet (English: Upsala University) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Department of Business Studies
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- PhD Programme in Business
EUDOKMA PhD courses/seminars (5 days) 1)
- May 2006: Knowledge in Action
(with Stockholm School of Economics, Center for Management and Organization) - May 2005: Knowledge in Action
(with Stockholm School of Economics, Center for Management and Organization) - Jan 2004: Knowledge transfer in globalized settings: Institutional perspectives
- Jan 2003: Knowledge in Action: Transfer and Deveopment in Globalized Settings
- Jan 2002: Knowledge in Action: Transfer and Deveopment in Globalized Settings
- Topics:
Knowledge transfer in the global firm
The global expansion of management knowledge
The creation of management practice
Knowledge networks in and around global companies
Transnational regulators and regulations of management practices
The role of international organizations in mediating, developing, strandardizing and regulating management knowledge - Jan 2001: Knowledge in Action: Transfer and Deveopment in Globalized Settings
Department of Archival Science, Library- and Information Science, Museology (ALM)
Nordic Research School in Library and Information Science (NORSLIS)2)
- Sep 2005: Structures of Power: Information, Knowledge, and Property (3 days)