Stockholm School of Economics (SSE)
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The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE; Swedish: Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, HHS) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Graduate Degrees/Programs
Department for Management and Organization (DMO)1) > Center for Strategy and Competitiveness (CSC)
- PhD in Business Administration (Concentration: Management and Organization; Research area: Knowledge in Networks)
Department for Management and Organization (DMO)1) > Center for Research on Human Resource Management and Knowledge Work
- PhD in Business Administration (Concentration: Management and Organization; Research area: Working in Knowledge Intensive Contexts; Collective Intelligence)
Department for Management and Organization (DMO)1) > Center for Management and Organization*
- PhD in Business Administration (Concentration: Management and Organization; Research area: Organizational Learning and the Organization of Competence)**
Department of Marketing and Strategy (DOS)2) > Center for Economic Phychology (CeMEP)
- PhD in Business Administration (Concentration: Marketing, Strategy and International Business; Research area: ?*)
EUDOKMA PhD courses/seminars** 3)
- May 2006: Knowledge in Action (5 days)
(Organizer: Center for Management and Organization; Upsala University, Department of Business Studies) - May 2005: Knowledge in Action (5 days)
(Organizer: Center for Management and Organization; Upsala University, Department of Business Studies) - Apr 2004: Performing Management (5 days)
(Organizer: Center for Economic Phychology) - Apr 2003: Knowledge and Performance in the New Economy (5 days)
(Organizer: Center for Economic Phychology; HANKEN Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Management and Organization)- Morning/Afternoon Themes:
Knowledge in a new economy
What is performance?
Dramaturgical aspects of performance and its correspondence in business lifeWork in groups on the consequences of the morning/afternoon themes
What did we learn during the course? - May 2002: Performing Management (5 days)
(Organizer: Center for Economic Phychology)