Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability (AI4S)*
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The Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability (AI4S), organized by the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups on Knowledge Management (IFIP WG 12.6) and AI for Energy and Sustainability (IFIP WG 12.11), part of the Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence (IFIP TC 12), focuses on the innovation for the sustainable energy and overall sustainability expressed by the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
AI4S is the successor of the joint workshops on Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management and Artificial Intelligence for Energy and Sustainability (AI4KMES 2021) and the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management (AI4KM – IFIP WG 12.6 International Workshop 2012-2020).
The Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management (AI4KM, the IFIP WG 12.6 International Workshop or Conference) was a multidisciplinary session to gather both researchers and practitioners to discuss methodological, technical and organizational aspects of AI used for knowledge management and to share the feedback on Knowledge Management applications using AI. Knowledge management models used in Business Intelligence, expert systems as management advisors, virtual training for knowledge sharing, all applications of machine learning to support innovation and eco-innovation, knowledge visualization for improving the creativity and human-machine interfaces, image mining making links between data and images ex bio-detection are good examples of multidisciplinary applications.
The Workshop is part of a larger conference:
- 2015-2020, 2025: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
- 2020: IJCAI-PRICAI (Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
- 2018: IJCAI-ECAI (European Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
- 2014: Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS)
- 2012, 2023: European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)
Workshop History:
AI4S@IJCAI 2025, August 16-17, 2025, Montreal, Canada
(In conjunction with IJCAI 2025 – 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
Workshop program TBD; Exact date TBD
Complex problem solving
Neuro-symbolic AI
Conceptual modelling
Knowledge discovery in multimodal data
Decision support systems
Optimisation of various resources
Managing the best practice
Risk management
Learning systems including serious games
Human-AI collaboration
Knowledge mining in social networks
Distributed knowledge
Knowledge management applied to ecodesign
Creativity enhancing systems
Support of innovation and eco-innovation process
Intelligent assistants
Renewable energy integration
AI for agriculture and agroecology,
Automation in renewable energy generation and distribution
Decision modelling in agriculture, and agent-based and multi-agent systems in sustainability
AI4S@ECAI 2023, 30 September – 1 October 2023, Kraków, Poland
(In conjunction with ECAI 2023 – 26th European Conferenc on Artificial Intelligence)
Note: Revised selected papers are published in “Mercier-Laurent, E. et al. (Eds.): Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management, Energy and Sustainability. 10th IFIP International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management, AI4KMES 2023 Krakow, Poland, September 30 – October 1, 2023 Revised Selected Papers. London: Springer Nature (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Volume 693), 2024”
SESSION: AI and Knowledge Management
A Nested Named Entity Recognition Method Based on Multi-head Three-affine Attention Mechanism
Active Bird2Vec: Towards End-to-End Bird Sound Monitoring with Transformers
Green hardware infrastructure for algorithmic trading
Fairlearn parity constraints for mitigating gender bias in binary classification models comparative analysis
Remote learning technologies in achieving the fourth sustainable development goal
9th AI4KM@IJCAI 2021, August 19–20, 2021, Montreal, Canada/del> Virtual venue
(In conjunction with IJCAI 2021 – 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence; AI4KMES 2021, joint event with AIES 2021 – Artificial Intelligence for Energy and Sustainability, the 1st IFIP WG 12.11 International Workshop)
Note: Officially the event is called “9th AI4KM invites the 1st AIES 2021 (Artificial Intelligence for Energy and Sustainability)”; AI4KMES is the acronym for “Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management, Energy and Sustainability”
Conference Papers: (proceedings)
Greening and Smarting IT – Case of Digital Transformation
Crowdsourcing and Sharing Economic in the Smart City Concept. Influence of the Idea on Development and Urban Resources
Assessment of Smart Waste Management Systems with Spherical AHP Method
Zero Carbon Energy Transition in the Kitchens
Barriers and Challenges of Knowledge Management in a Gas Company
Characterization of Residential Electricity Customers via Deep Ensemble Learning
Grid Imbalance Prediction Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Neural Networks
Collective Intelligence of Honey Bees for Energy and Sustainability
The Application of Artificial Intelligence to Nuclear Power Plant Safety
Capacity to Build Artificial Intelligence Systems for Nuclear Energy Security and Sustainability: Experience of Belarus
Automated Planning to Evolve Smart Grids with Renewable Energies
Artificial Intelligence Application for Crude Distillation Unit: An Overview
Deep Reinforced Learning for the Governance of a Sample Microgrid
Residential Short-Term Load Forecasting via Meta Learning and Domain Augmentation
Renewable Energy Investment Decision Evaluation for Local Authorities
8th AI4KM@IJCAI-PRICAI 2020, January 7-8, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Virtual venue
(In conjunction with IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 – 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and 17th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
Invited Talks:
Ethics & Regulation of Artificial Intelligence
AI for Sustainability Decisions in Energy Management
SESSION: AI for Society and Education
The Ontologies cooperation for modeling the needs of impairment persons
Conceptual Framework of Intelligent Management Control System for Higher Education
Curriculum Vitae Evaluation Using Machine Learning Approach
Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management in Students’ Thesis – Initial Survey in Poland
SESSION: AI for Business and Sustainable City
Customer Churn Prediction in FMCG sector Using Machine Learning Techniques
Crowdsourcing as a tool supporting intra-city communication
The Importance of Internet of Things for Smart Cities
Developing a Knowledge Base on Climate Change for Metropolitan Cities
SESSION: AI for Industry and Sustainability
Can Artificial Intelligence Efficiently Support Sustainable Development?
Holistic Approach to Smart Factory
Advanced data analysis as key element in Supply Chain Management in a multi-site industrial enterprise – case studies
SESSION: AI for Industry and Sustainability
Stacking regressor analysis of the natural gas prices in the light of possible hub
Power deviation predictions with LSTM based on Grid Based Regressors selected using Genetic Algoritms
Short-term Power Load Forecasting using Wavelet and Deep Learning
Clustering algorithms in the inclinometers readings anomaly detection on the example of tailing storage facility
7th AI4KM@IJCAI 2019, August 11, 2019, Macao, China
Workshop Theme: AI for Humans
(In conjunction with IJCAI 2019 – 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
Invited Talks:
AI in Transportation
SESSION: Intelligent Applications
Crowdsourcing in knowledge management in the Smart City area
The role of Big Data in Smart City
Generating ROS Codes from Workflow with Human Behavior Level
Intelligent Technologies Supporting Non-Public University
Natural Language driven Knowledge Extraction and Visual Analytics
Hyperspectral image classification based on the factorized strategy with deep learning
SESSION: Knowledge about humans?
Semantic-based support system for merging process knowledge from users
A Preliminary Look at AliNet: A Large-scale E-commerce Concept Net Towards User Needs Understanding
Implementation of machine learning techniques to increase customer loyalty
Outdoor Scene Labeling Using Deep Neural Network
SESSION: AI & Business
Internet of Things as a source of innovation for intelligent organizations
Translation Embeddings for Knowledge Graph Completion in Consumer Banking Sector
Potential Difficulties in Searching for Business Information using Semantic Network Visualization
6th AI4KM@IJCAI-ECAI 2018, 15 July, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden
Workshop Theme: AI-based Innovation in Digital Services
(In conjunction with IJCAI-ECAI 2018 – 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
Invited Talks:
Globalization – Understanding the correlations between attitudes towards globalization, time, resources and financial resources.
SESSION: AI-based Platforms
Integrated System for students’ Evaluation Using KM Approach
ICT Platform Design for SME Collaboration
Platform for Knowledge Society and Innovation Ecosystems
Active and Satisfied Users as a Key to Measure the Success of a Digital Mobile Service
Platform for Smart City
Knowledge Management in CRM
High level ontology for “The Internet of Things” adapted to industry. A case study in Electrical Engineering
Competitive models Augmented Learning and Big Data filtering Heuristics
AI Classification in Collaboration for Innovation of Electric Motors of Household Appliances
SESSION: Education
Selection of Active Teaching Methods in Knowledge Management Education
KM for Education
What AI for simulation?
5th AI4KM@IJCAI 2017, August 20, 2017, Melbourne, Australia
(In conjunction with IJCAI 2017 – 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence; AI4KM & AIAI 2017 International Co-located Conferences, a joint event with AIAI 2017 – Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations)
Opening & Invited Talks:
Cognitive analytics for resources management in cloud computing (invited talk)
Semantic Data Lake (opening)
Knowledge management in corporations – synergy between people and technology. Barriers and benefits of implementation
Enterprise communication tools supporting knowledge management processes
The meaning of knowledge management in organization
The Role of Knowledge Management in IT Projects – Piotr Domagala, Wroclaw University ofEconomics. Toward tracking knowledge evolution
A Critical Knowledge Modelling Methodology for a Cultural Heritage Preservation
Knowledge extraction from eco-design projects
Representing stress impact in crisis management
Collaborative building of uncertain knowledge in crisis scenarios
Detecting Influencial Users in Social Network Conversations: A Linguistic Approach
Vortex – Supervised Machine Learning Video Intelligence Platform Knowledge Management for improved Situational Awareness
Stabilization of neural networks with interval time-varying delay (AIAI paper)
4th AI4KM@IJCAI 2016, July 9, 2016, New York, USA
(In conjunction with IJCAI 2016 – 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
Invited Talks:
Ontologies in Supervised Learning from Medical Data
SESSION: Knowledge Modeling and Sharing
Using Ontologies to Access Complex Data: Application on BioImaging
A team Formation Model for Collaborative New Product Design based on Knowledge and Collaboration
RFM Analysis for a Packaging Industry using Self Organising Maps
Active Rules in Ontology for Local Self-Government
SESSION: Knowledge Acquisition and Learning
Conceptual Navigation for Polyadic Formal Concept
Building Complementary Domain Taxonomies using Query Enrichment (to confirm)
Investigating Trend-setters in E-learning Systems using Polyadic Formal Concept Analysis and Answer Set Programming
Selection of Free Software for Business Intelligence Teaching
SESSION: Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management and Web
Internet Platform for City Dwellers based on Open Source System
Segmentation of Social Network Users in Turkey
An Artificial Intelligent View to Industrial Energy
Towards Semantic Reasoning in Knowledge Management Systems
3rd AI4KM@IJCAI 2015, July 27, 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina
(In conjunction with IJCAI 2015 – 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
SESSION: Knowledge Models for K
Toward knowledge-grid model for academic purposes
Cooperative knowledge representation and classification: application for design projects
Web of data evolution by exploiting agent based-argumentation
SESSION: Knowledge Management and web
Łukasz Przysucha: Content Management Systems Based on GNU GPL Licence as a Support of Knowledge Management in Organizations and Business
Context Aware Knowledge Zoning : Traceability and business Emails
From Knowledge to Sign management: a Co-design methodology for Biodiversity and Music enhancement
SESSION: Capturing and learning
Learning from Daily Knowledge : how to capture and structure it in cooperative activity
A Bayesian Network Model for Predicting Pregnancy before In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Socio-Cultural Knowledge Discovery and Management
AI impact on succesful knowledge flow
Professional Services: Will Artificial Intelligence Reshape Professional Services? Models and Frameworks for Future Firms
What AI to enhance Knowledge Management and empower human
2nd AI4KM@FedCSIS 2014, September 10, 2014, Warsaw, Poland
Theme: Collaborative Human-Machine Intelligence
(In conjunction with FedCSIS 2014 – Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; KAM&AI4KM ’14, a joint event with KAM 2014 – 20th Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Management)
Invited Papers: (proceedings)
Sign Management for the Future of e-Education: Examples of Collaborative e-Services in a Living Lab
Paper Presentations: (proceedings)
The Role of Data Warehouse as a Source of Knowledge Acquisition in Decision-Making. An Empirical Study
Knowledge Extraction from Professional E-mails
Challenges for Knowledge Management in the Context of IT Global Sourcing Models Implementation
How Should Digital Humanities Pioneers Manage Their Data Privacy Challenges?
Usability of Knowledge Portals for Exclusives in Local Governments
Knowledge Management in Distributed Agile Software Development Projects
Actuator Fault Diagnosis Using Single and Meta-Classification Strategies
Intelligent Association Rules for Innovative SME Collaboration
Managing Intellectual Capital in Knowledge Economy
1st AI4KM@ECAI 2012, August 28, 2012, Montpellier, France
(In conjunction with ECAI 2012 – 20th European Conferenc on Artificial Intelligence)
Note: It is stated that AI4KM “was initiated …as the separate event during European Conference on Artificial Intelligence…” but it is listed at Workshop on the conference page and in the conference program. AI4KM was originally scheduled for two days.
Invited Talks:
Knowledge Representation: Destructuring the Structured vs Non-structured Debate (aka: Structured or natural knowledge representation for Knowledge management: 30 years of compromises between humans and machines)
Overview of AI Research History in USSR and Ukraine: Up-to-Date Just-In-Time Knowledge Concept (proceedings only)
Paper Presentations:
From Community Memories to Corporate Memory
Contextual knowledge handled by an expert
Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management with BPMN and Rules
An argumentation based Rough Set Theory for Knowledge Management
Web User Navigation Patterns Discovery as Knowledge Validation challenge
Kleenks: collaborative links in the Web of Data
From Knowledge transmission to Sign sharing: Semiotic Web as a new paradigm for Teaching and Learning in the Future Internet
Ontology Learning From Unstructured Data for Knowledge Management: A Literature Review
Description Logic Reasoning in an Ontology-Based System for Citizen Safety in Urban Environment
Advanced System forAcquisition and Knowledge Management in Cultural Heritage
GAMELAN: A Knowledge Management Approach for Digital Audio Production Workflow
Interactive Knowledge Adaptation in Multiagent Environments
Knowledge Management applied to Electronic Public Procurement
Collective intelligence for Evaluating Synergy in Collaborative Innovation