Alan Turing Institute (The Turing)

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The Alan Turing Institute (The Turing)1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:


  • Knowledge Graph Turing Interest Group (KG-TIG)2)


  • Symposium of The Turing Interest Group on Knowledge Graphs*
      The Symposium of The Turing Interest Group on Knowledge Graphs aims to create a sandbox for future collaborations and joint applications for funding on topics such as teaching curricula, use cases, and applications of knowledge graphs, a critical area of data science and AI.


Knowledge Graph Turing Interest Group (KG-TIG) Meetups

    Feb/Mar 2025: #11 KG-TIG Meetup (online): Topic focused meet-up to target the EU Horizon 2025-2027

    Nov 2024: #10 KG-TIG Meetup (University of Edinburgh)
    Keynotes: The Quest for Schemas in Graph Databases; A Knowledge Graph with Task Representations and Applications in the Design of General-Purpose Task Completion Agents
    Short Presentations: The Knowledge Graph Alliance; Towards Interpretable Embeddings: Aligning Representations with Semantic Aspects; Hierarchical routing across graph facets; Construction and enhancement of an RNA-based knowledge graph for discovering new; A structured knowledge graph for digital twins for structural dynamic systems; How to Turn your Knowledge Graph Embeddings into Generative Models; Knowledge Graphs that Design Demand-driven Collaborations; Improving Retrieval-augmented Text-to-SQL with AST-based Ranking and Schema Pruning; ShEx-to-Datalog: Optimizing Validation, Subsetting, and Reasoning over RDF
    Poster Session: Farm Explorer: A Tool for Calculating Transparent Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Tailoring Knowledge Graph Embeddings for Ontology Alignment; Topological bias in knowledge graphs: lessons from the biomedical domain; LET’S AGREE TO DISAGREE: Neuro-Symbolic AI for conflict-aware learning over Knowledge Graphs; Knowledge Graph-based Explanations for Biomedical AI; Learning and Explaining Knowledge Graph Alignment; Development of an Ontological Fuzzy-search API for Semantic Knowledge Extraction; Time and Knowledge Aware Clinical Graph Data Mining; Complex Multi-Ontology Alignment through Geometric Operations on Language Embeddings; How to Turn your Knowledge Graph Embeddings into Generative Models; Improving Retrieval-augmented Text-to-SQL with AST-based Ranking and Schema Pruning; Building infectious disease databases and knowledge graphs with large language models; Construction and enhancement of an RNA-based knowledge graph for discovering new RNA drugs
    Panel Session: Take home notes from the ISWC Special Session on Harmonising Generative AI and Semantic Web Technologies

    May 2024: #09 KG-TIG Meetup (City, University of London / online)
    Keynote: Increasing the LLM Accuracy for Question Answering: Ontologies to the Rescue! (September 2023 follow up talk)

    Jan 2024: #08 KG-TIG Meetup (online)
    Keynote: Data-aware Processes and their Executions: an opportunity for Knowledge Representation and Graphs? (postponed)
    Short Presentations: How knowledge graphs could transform education; Using Knowledge Graphs and NLP for climate risk intelligence; A derived information framework for a dynamic knowledge graph; Hierarchical Subsetting + Query Partitioning for Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs
    Presentations: Turing Fringe Event on KGs; 1st issue of the Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge journal

    Sep 2023: #07 KG-TIG Meetup (City, University of London / online)
    Keynote: Chat with the Data Benchmark: Understanding Synergies between Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs for Enterprise Conversations
    Short Presentations: Ontology Construction and Curation with (Large) Language Models; What was their intent: unpicking ontology engineering decisions with LLMs; Using Semantic AI to Create Knowledge from Data

    Mar 2023: #06 KG-TIG Meetup (online)
    Invited Speaker: Dagstuhl Seminar on Knowledge Graphs and Their Role in the Knowledge Engineering of the 21st Century
    Short Presentations: The Knowledge Media Institute at the Open University; Curlew Research – Enabling Life Sciences

    Oct 2022: #05 KG-TIG Meetup (The Turing)
    Short Presentations: Knowledge Graph Construction and Curation; Graph Representation Learning and its Application; Automated Data Sharing Contracts; Personal Knowledge Graphs: Towards Better Conversational Assistants; Knowledge Graphs in Safety Assessment; Generate synthetic datasets using knowledge graphs and machine learning: are we there yet?; Out-of-KG Entity Discovery from Texts (in the Biomedical Domain); A phenomenological, observational approach to semantic knowledge graphs; Knowledge graph-based inference for small molecule drug discovery; Knowledge Graphs in Ecotoxicology
    ISWC watch: Circular Health (Keynote); Knowledge Graphs for The Physical World: What is Missing? (Panel);

    Apr 2022: #04 KG-TIG Meetup (online)
    Keynote: What happens before the Knowledge Graph’s querying API

    Nov 2021: #03 KG-TIG Meetup (online)
    Keynote: Logic-based Machine Learning: recent advancements and future directions

    Jul 2021: #02 KG-TIG Meetup (online)
    Keynote: Building and Interrogating Knowledge Graphs Using Natural Language

    Mar 2021: #01 KG-TIG Meetup (online)
    Keynote: Knowledge beyond the Graph – Building a multilingual Wikipedia

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