Boston KM Forum*

The USA based Boston KM Forum, Inc.1) was a community of practice for people working in the field of Knowledge Management (KM), offering an environment for the exchange of ideas, best practices, and business opportunities through a variety of learning, communication, and networking settings. KM Forum worked to develop programs that support personal and professional growth.
(lydia) April 7, 2015
Boston KM Forum Suspended Until Further Notice
The Boston Knowledge Management Forum has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Boston Knowledge Management Forum Symposium at Bentley College**
List of Symposia(In general 3 times a year; Host: Elkin B. McCallum Graduate School of Business, Bentley University)201120102009200820072006200520042003Fitting SharePoint to Knowledge Initiatives, July 20, 2011-
What is SharePoint and When do you need a 3rd-party add-in?, Analyst Perspective
The Process for Selecting any Collaboration/Content tool, Recommendations for the Buyer
A Case Study featuring SharePoint, User/Implementer Perspective (11:15 – 12:00) – Glynys Thomas, Senior Knowledge Manager, The Parthenon Group
Planning for SharePoint: SharePoint Maturity Model (12:45– 1:45) – Sadie Van Buren, Senior Software Engineer, BlueMetal ArchitectsPanel of Experts
Knowledge Management Café #3: Applying Knowledge to Meta & Master Data Management, April 27, 2011 (In association with the New England Chapter of the Data Management Association)
Roundtable Topics:
What does it take to successfully coordinate data across business units?
You Get What You Measure – But Is It What You Wanted Your Data Governance to Achieve?
Unifying Metadata in an Enterprise with Many Customer Registration and Data Collection Systems
Recipes for Blending Metadata Management, Master Data Management and Data Governance Techniques
Applying and Managing Controlled Vocabularies for Quality Metadata in Every Business Application
Data Representation for Business Audiences
Vocabulary Building – Do you Speak Content, or Data, or Both?Knowledge Management Café #2: Applying Knowledge to Organizational Challenges, December 7, 2010-
Table/Case Presentation Topics:
eHealth and EMR (Electronic Medical Records)
Digital Records, Electronic and Original Information Assets
Knowledge: the DNA of Innovation
NetWork: How can we best leverage our multiplying networks and web-like structures?
The KMBOK: Living at the Junction of Project Management and Knowledge Management
Long vs. Short view Across the EnterpriseDecision-Making and Decision Support, October 6, 2010
Data Warehouses, Business Intelligence, and KM: Decision-Support Connections
Future search: how search engines will leverage context to create knowledge & support decision making
Impact of Intangible Knowledge on Decision-making
Applying Wall Street techniques to harness knowledge for enterprise decision-making: Lessons Learned and On-going Research
Leveraging Knowledge to Build Decision Support Systems in HealthcareKnowledge Management Café #1: Table-talking Knowledge Management Challenges, April 29, 2010 (Joint program with Special Libraries Association, Boston Chapter)
Table/Case Presentation Topics:
Avoid future crisis – How can business and application process documentation be kept up-to-date and in sync? Social networking redo – How can a failed collaboration implementation be successfully re-launched? (a pharmaceutical company case) Clinical practice experts online – What’s the next step in a collaboration infrastructure? (a health care provider case)
Taxonomies – How can they improve enterprise search? (enterprise content behind the firewall needs better search)
“Library/information management” and “knowledge management” – Are these professionals’ competencies alike? and Do titles matter? (information professional positioning in the enterprise)
Records management, knowledge management, and information management – Are they converging or diverging?Personal Knowledge Management — Professional Know-how, October 22, 2009-
Managing Your Personal Knowledge Network
Tools and Tips for the Knowledgable Practitioner
Personal Knowledge Management and Compliance
Self-care: Knowledge Management in Everyday Life
Knowledge Management for Health
Becoming PaperlessPanel Discussion:
Personal PKM StrategiesMulti-cultural collaboration: Working in Teams Across Disciplines, Geographies, and Languages, June 30, 2009
Managing knowledge across boundaries
swissnex, a global knowledge network spanning across disciplines in science and technology
Sharing and Absorbing Knowledge Across Organizational and Global Cultures
Lessons Learned in Evolving High-Tech Knowledge Management: Expanding to a Global Support Model
You Don’t Speak English, Do You? (Knowledge Management in the Multicultural Workspace)Leveraging Virtual Teams & Social Tools for Business Advantage: Blogs, Wikis, Twitter, et al., March 31, 2009
Soaring with Virtual Teams: How Working At-A-Distance and Across Boundaries Can Outperform Face-to-Face
IBM’s Grounds-Up Social Software Transformation, Suzanne Minassian
Vital Catalyst: Social Media is Holding and Growing Audiences
Give to Get: Real-World Dividends from Social NetworkingPanel Discussion:
Teams and Tools – What They Heard and What They ThinkSemantics – the Next Frontier for Leveraging Knowledge, October 7, 2008-
The Meaning of Semantics Depends on Who you Ask and Why you are Asking
Why do semantic standards matter to me?
Making Sense of Business Documents: using InfoExtract Sense Finder(tm) tools at the HBS Baker Library
Competitive landscape for text analytics
After you open the box…Panel Discussion:
Vendor Panel: Are There Viable Semantic Applications Now?Tagging and Categorization – Thoughts from Thought Leaders, June 25, 2008
Social Bookmarking within Enterprise 2.0
Taxonomy for Search & Discovery
Non-Subject Tagging in a Web 2.0 World
Analysts Ponder Tagging and Categorizing
Tagging and the EnterpriseKnowledge Management 2.0 – Real or Hype?, April 9, 2008
Web 2.0 Tools for Knowledge Management
KM and Web 2.0 – A User’s Perspective
Enterprise 2.0 = KM 2.0?
Case Study: The Siemens BeFirst Portal
Moving Beyond Web 2.0 ResistanceKnowledge Management – Current Directions, October 1, 2007-
Sense-making and KM
…n.a.Panel Discussion:
KM: then, now, and in the futureLeadership – Why It’s Critical to Knowledge Management Success, June 26, 2007
What is Leadership?
What is KM Leadership?
The Net Work Component of KM Leadership
Why is Leadership so Important to KM?Panel Discussion:
Experiences as a KM leader and in the role of interfacing with senior-management leaders to get their support and to maintain their ongoing, active involvementSearch: Transforming How We Transfer and Use Knowledge, April 5, 2007
Technological Assembly of Search Challenges, 1974 – 2007
The Future of Search and Information AccessPanel Discussions:
User panel: The Whole Nine Yards – the Full Suite of Tools Needed for Enterprise Search
Vendor Panel: How Search Tool Companies are Positioning ThemselvesDark Blogs: Internal Blogs for Leveraging Knowledge, December 18, 2006-
Enterprise Blogs & Wikis: The KM 2.0 Path
The Invisible College: KM Insights from Academic Blogs
Blogging Internally @ IBM
Expert Learning Networks: Peer-to-Peer Learning Inside the FirewallVendor Panel Discussion
Finding Experts, October 19, 2006
Setting the Stage
Finding Experts – Keys to Success
Breaking down smokestacks to collaborate across disciplines
How LinkedIn Can Help You Find Experts and their Expertise
Tools of the Trade – An Overview of Expert Location/Management SystemsExercise:
The Proof is in the Pudding – A hands-on exercise to Find ExpertsPanel Discussion:
Using Social Network Analysis to Find ExpertsFinding Stuff, June 29 , 2006
Setting the Stage and Tying Things Together
User Interaction Cycle; Framing Findability Based on User Behaviors
Tiptoeing across the Semantic Web – Resource Discovery at Lincoln Laboratory
TBDLeveraging Knowledge Through Collaboration – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, March 30, 2006
Changing the Way New Products are Developed – Using Collaboration Tools to Improve ROI
Collaboration in the Enterprise Workplace: Will It Change the Way We Work Together?
Connecting People and Supporting Collaboration
Disruptive Collaborative Innovation
Achieving Real Collaboration through Co-inventionLeveraging Knowledge through Collaboration, December 15, 2005-
Changing the Way New Products are Developed – Using Collaboration Tools to Improve ROI
Collaboration in the Enterprise Workplace: Will It Change the Way We Work Together?
Connecting People and Supporting Collaboration
Disruptive Collaborative Innovation
Achieving Real Collaboration through Co-inventionLeveraging Knowledge Across Research and Operations in Science and Healthcare, September 27, 2005
Knowledge Management at Cytec Industries: Building the Library of the Future
From Knowledge Management to Performance Management: What Changes & What Stays the Same
Bristol-Myers Squibb’s Prescription for Navigating R&D Knowledge
Using Ontologies to Create a Flexible Search Option
HVMA Knowledge Challenge for our AttendeesPanel Discussion
Knowledge Management’s Value-Add – Generating Value by Leveraging Knowledge, May 3, 2005
How ontologies add value
Your grandmother doesn’t appreciate surprises – a case study in analyzing consumer sentiment
The tools we use to increase productivity,
e-Afghanistan: Online Collaboration for Economic Redevelopment — Almost a Success Story
Leveraging ideas, information & expertise for improvement in higher education
Leveraging knowledge by managing expertise
Future tools and technologies that support knowledge sharingPanel Discussion:
What lies ahead for knowledge sharing?Knowledge Assets: Leveraging their Value at Raytheon: A Case Study, June 30, 2004 (Joint Meeting with KMPro New England)-
Knowledge Management – Hidden But Alive & Well
Practical Approaches to Sharing Information at Raytheon
Transforming the Organization: An Information ApproachKnowledge Sharing: The Customer/Client Relationship: What We Can Learn from Healthcare Providers, April 8, 2004 (Joint Meeting with KMPro New England)
Knowledge Management Challenges in the Healthcare
No Budget? – No ExcuseAccelerating Innovation by Leveraging Intellectual Capital, November 4, 2003 (Joint Meeting with KMPro New England)-
Using IP competitively: Accelerating the Drug Discovery Process via Informatics
Electronic Notebooks: Legal Uncertainty Remains an Impediment to AdoptionEstablishing the ROI of Investments in Knowledge Management Initiatives: Predicting & Measuring Success, June 25, 2003 (Joint Meeting with KMPro New England)
Three-year KM initiative at Goodwin Procter LLP
Aspirations for KM and more collaboration at Wyeth ResearchPanel Discussion:
Selling a KM initiative at Wyeth ResearchKnowledge Management Reaps Benefits from IT Innovations in Big Pharma, April 24, 2003 (Joint Meeting with KMPro New England)
Supporting Collaboration in Research and Development at Bristol-Myers Squibb
Decision Support and Licensing Prospect Management; How some pharmaceutical companies drive new business strategies
Modeling and mapping business and knowledge processes
Opportunity management system (w. Demonstration)
- Monthly Friday Morning Breakfast Meetings** 2)
List of Meetings2012201120102009200820072006200520042003- No meetings scheduled for 2012 at present.
- 2011-12: no meeting
- 2011-11:
- 2011-10: Staying Secure While Sharing & Acquiring Knowledge While Reflecting on Job’s Persona
- 2011-09: Transitioning to a Knowledge Management Service Operation
- 2011-08: Age Divides and Knowledge Management
- 2011-07: Staging a SharePoint Summit: What do you Need to Know?
- 2011-06: Using Text Analytics to Understand Social Media Content
- 2011-05: Comparing Roles and Responsibilities: Metadata vs. Master Data Management
- 2011-04: Where and How to Find Hidden Metadata in Legacy Knowledge Assets
- 2011-03: Knowledge; Prompting Sharing Anyhow or Anywhere
- 2011-02: Comparing Free Information Resources: Internet Search Engines +
- 2011-01: What is Content Context & Why is it Important in Organizational Effectiveness?
- 2010-12: “Choice Architecture”: Another Take on Decision-making
- 2010-11: Creating Knowledge-bases from Electronic Financial Transactions
- 2010-10:
- 2010-09: Electronic Medical Records Adoption
- 2010-08: Leveraging Knowledge by Leading the Leaders
- 2010-07: Mis-spent Knowledge: Lessons Learned from Disasters
- 2010-06: What can the Facebook Model do for Your Enterprise?
- 2010-05: Best of the Knowledge Management Cafe – A Recap of the April 29th Symposium at Bentley U.
- 2010-04: How Social Networks Can Improve Enterprise Public Faces
- 2010-03: Knowledge Management Gurus – Who are they & What Guidance do they Provide for You?
- 2010-02: What are the Qualifications for Knowledge Management Roles?
- 2010-01: no meeting
- 2009-12: Using for Boston Knowledge Management Forum or Your Enterprise
- 2009-11: How Text Analytics, BI and Data Mining/Text Mining Contribute to Knowledge Management
- 2009-10: Using Conversations to Further Knowledge Management Objectives
- 2009-09: no meeting
- 2009-08: Decision-Making: How Knowledge Influences Outcomes
- 2009-07: no meeting
- 2009-06: Google Book Project & Other Ventures to Preserve Out-of-Print or Never-in-Print
- 2009-05: Twittering Away Your Knowledge
- 2009-04: no meeting
- 2009-03: Social Contracts within Enterprises
- 2009-02: From Tag Cloud to Taxonomy or Ontology
- 2009-01:
- 2008-12: What Media Publishing Models Are Succeeding in Spreading Knowledge?
- 2008-11: The Knowledge Exchange: Examples of Intranets and Other Internal Platforms as Sharing Portals
- 2008-10: Leveraging Tags for Taxonomy Development
- 2008-09: Primary Tools: Capturing, Using, Sharing and Leveraging Knowledge and Expertise
- 2008-08: Pains that Influence Collaboration Tool Adoption
- 2008-07:
- 2008-06: Boston Knowledge Management Forum Blog – A Case Study in How to Share What We Know
- 2008-05: Selling Knowledge Management in a Hostile World
- 2008-04: The Learning Knowledge Connection
- 2008-03: Who Should be the Business Owner of Knowledge Management Initiatives?
- 2008-02: Categorizing Tools for the Desktop: Automated or Manual
- 2008-01: Evolution of Tagging – How are You or Your Communities Adapting to Tools and Needs?
- 2007-12: After Search — What Next?
- 2007-11: Selecting and Managing Your Most Critical Knowledge Domains
- 2007-10: Using Knowledge Mapping – Application and Practicum
- 2007-09: Knowledge Mapping: Leveraging Visualization Tools
- 2007-08: Mind Mapping: ontology and other tools
- 2007-07: Leading the Knowledge Management Effort by Example
- 2007-06: What Skills do You Use or Need in Your Role in Knowledge Management? (roundtable)
- 2007-05: Best Bets: Links for Good and Useful Information on Knowledge Management and Search (roundtable)
- 2007-04:
- 2007-03:
- 2007-02: Sharing Experiences with LinkedIn and Similar Networking
- 2007-01: What can we Learn from our External Networks? (1st of two programs on “Gaining value from our networks”)
- 2006-12: What Tools and Techniques Do We Use to Get Connected to Others?
- 2006-11: Trusted Bloggers
- 2006-10: Web 2.0 – The Intellectuals’ Playground?
- 2006-09: Taxonomy Roll-out
- 2006-08: Categorization Exercise Part 3 – Taxonomy Building
- 2006-07: Categorization Exercise Part 2 – What Term Selection Contributes to Content Findability
- 2006-06: A Taxonomy Exercise, Part II – Categorizing
- 2006-05: A Taxonomy Exercise
- 2006-04: What are the human costs of Taxonomy Development and Can We Find People to Do It?
- 2006-03: Your Professional Compentencies Applied to Knowledge Management
- 2006-02: Blogs Applied to Knowledge Management Collaboration: A Working Session
- 2006-01: National Archives & Records Administration (NARA) and the Lockheed Martin Project -Electronic Archives
- 2005-12: What Do We Think About Blogs for Knowledge Management?
- 2005-11: Establishing the Minimal Requirements for Technology Solutions to Support Knowledge Management Initiatives
- 2005-10: The Unfulfilled Promise – In What Ways Have “Knowledge Management Solutions” Failed to Deliver?
- 2005-09: Finding and Tracking Expertise
- 2005-08: Tapping the Well – What Knowledge Resources Do You Find the Most Productive
- 2005-07: National Archives and Records Administration, NE Regional headquarters, facility introduction and tour
- 2005-06: Framing the Discussion – Aligning Your Language with Business Goals to Achieve Buy-in for Knowledge Management Initiatives
- 2005-05: How do you Articulate the Value of Metadata Capture?
- 2005-01: Fleshing out a Model for Collaboration
- 2004-11: Is the Increasing volume of SPAM E-mail Diluting your Incoming Knowledge Base; What are you doing about it?
Previous Breakfast meetings (since Feb 2003) sponsored by the New England Chapter of the Knowledge Management Professional Society (KMPro)
- 2004-08: Defining the “Content” in “Content Management”
- 2004-07: Keeping Content Fresh
- 2004-06: Examples of Taxonomies & Ontologies
- 2004-05: Differentiating Taxonomies and Ontologies
- 2004-04: Identifying Communities of Practice
- 2004-03: Beginning Knowledge Mapping Workshop
- 2004-02: Where is Enterprise Knowledge Being Captured?
- 2004-01: The Role of Records Management in the Knowledge Organization
Breakfast meetings sponsored by the New England Chapter of the Knowledge Management Professional Society (KMPro)- 2003-12: 2003 wrap-up & IT Infrastructure and Applications for Managing Regulatory Information
- 2003-11: Regulatory Content Resources
- 2003-10: Informatics
- 2003-08: Enterprise Search
- 2003-07: Web Search
- 2003-06: Taxonomy
- 2003-05: Measures – How do You Demonstrate that Your New Knowledge Management Initiative Has Benefits?
- 2003-04: Collaboration
- 2003-02: First organizing meeting
- Monthly Thursday Afternoon Meetings
List of Meetings20152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002...- 2015-03: Records Management
- 2015-02: 2015 and Beyond – Knowing What to Expect (or Reject)
- 2015-01: Knowledge Strategy, Drawing on Experience to Succeed
“Suspended until further notice” - 2014-12: Designing Digital Knowledge-based Systems, an Interview with Gary Kahn
- 2014-11: Overcoming Barriers to Change for Knowledge Initiative Success
- 2014-10: Helping Leaders Lead the Knowledge Sharing Initiative: Your Role
- 2014-09: How Leaders Establish a Knowledge Sharing Culture
- 2014-08: Knowledge Leadership: The Art of Inquiry in the Organization
- 2014-07: Mentoring: A Key to Knowledge Transfer with Elizabeth McCoy
- 2014-06: Impact of Cultural Shifts and Enterprise Mergers on Knowledge Management Initiatives with Suzanne Mrozak
- 2014-05: Exploring Intergenerational Knowledge Transfer at the FAA with Giora Hadar
- 2014-04: Leveraging Knowledge in Oxfam America’s Humanitarian Response Efforts
- 2014-03: Exploring A Career in Knowledge Leadership; Interviewing Ray Sims Deloitte
- 2014-02: no meeting
- 2014-01: Invention: the Knowledge Inventiveness Connection
- 2013-12: Knowledge Management Professionals and Healthcare Informatics: An Interview with Allan Lewis
- 2013-11: Knowledge Management World Highlight: Dave Snowden on Human Sensor Networks with Technology Augmentation
- 2013-10: Knowledge Well-Managed Supports Legal Professionals: Interview with David Hobbie
- 2013-09: National Archives Policy Analyst Jill Snyder
- 2013-08: Relating Structured Content and Data Modeling to Knowledge Management: Guest Norman Daoust
- 2013-07: What we Know about Enterprise Search from the Findwise Survey
- 2013-06: Benchmarking Knowledge Management: Results of a Study by MITRE Corporation
- 2013-05: Organizing Content & Expert Knowledge without Spending a Million Bucks
- 2013-04: Leveraging Data for PLM with Oleg Shilovitsky
- 2013-03: Faculty Research Assets at Harvard Business School: an Interview with Melissa Shaffer
- 2013-02: Leveraging Intangibles: Learn How to Get Smarter about Organizational Knowledge
- 2013-01: Practical Knowledge Management Survey Results; Analysis and Commentary from Participants
- 2012-12: How Big Data Becomes Actionable Information and Other Gilbane Conference Output
- 2012-11: Knowledge Exchanges in an Online World
- 2012-10: Launching a Knowledge Sharing Initiative; Insights on How To or Not To
- 2012-09: no meeting
- 2012-08: canceled
- 2012-07: SharePoint Roundup – Sentri Panel
- 2012-06: Knowledge Relationships in Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals: Perspectives from Martin Streeter
- 2012-05: Trends and Futures in Search Technology; Impacts on Knowledge Initiatives
- 2012-04: Joyce Ward: An Interview on Semantic Content Enrichment at LexisNexis, etc.
- 2012-03: Technology Strains and Stressors for IT and Knowledge Leaders: (w. Boston SIKM9
- 2012-02: Transferring Knowledge and Strategies for Managing Change
- 2012-01: Role of Informatics in R&D, Strategy Formulation and Business Development
- 2011-12: Perspectives on Knowledge Management in Management Education, and Information Sharing Systems in China
- 2011-11: An Interview with Mary Lee Kennedy: How Knowledge Strategies can Impact Global Educational and Business Landscapes
- 2011-10: Who “Owns” Knowledge Assets, Content and Search in the Enterprise?
- 2011-09: Where is the “Knowledge” for the Knowledge Worker?
- 2011-08: Embedding Knowledge Assets into the Workflow of the Physician
- 2011-07: No meeting
- 2011-06: A Career in Knowledge-based Operations: Conversation with Ralph Poole
- 2011-05: Strategic Initiatives and Social Media: An Interview with Carol Rozwell
- 2011-04: no meeting
- 2011-03: Decision Support Systems that Adapt to New Knowledge
- 2011-02: How Complexity is Managed Using the Cynefin framework to Enhance Innovation and Knowledge Capture
- 2011-01: Applying Semantic Technology to Knowledge Assets
- 2010-12: Intelligent Decision Making: It’s not just about Finding Information; It’s about Context, Insight and Perspective
- 2010-11: SIKM Boston Chapter: RoundRobin and Workshopping
- 2010-10: Influences on How I Can Make Better Decisions
- 2010-09: Electronic Medical Records: The Healthcare Information Experts Weigh In
- 2010-08: Knowledge Management as a Lever of Cultural Change: a Case Study of a Global NGO
- 2010-07: Knowledge Management in China: A Tale of Two Companies
- 2010-06: Performance Enhancing: Learning + Knowledge = ?
- 2010-05: Taking Twitter to the Next Level
- 2010-04:
- 2010-03: Knowledge Management – Has the Torch been Passed to a New Generation?
- 2010-02: Finding Knowledge Assets: How Web search behavior can be applied to the Enterprise Intranet
- 2010-01: A Twofer: Making a Successful Knowledge Management Manager + Snapshots of the CES Show in Las Vegas
- 2009-12: Deliver Us from Web 2.0 Content Chaos: Activity, Attraction and Personal Knowledge Create the Awareness Engine
- 2009-11: Social Networking Technologies – Challenges for Product Development & Effective Integration into the Enterprise
- 2009-10: Getting the Most Knowledge Management Bang-for-your-(information technology) bucks
- 2009-09: Eliciting Knowledge and Putting it to Work: How to Leverage Seekers’ Incentives and Curiosity
- 2009-08: Transforming your Structure to be Relevant in a Knowledge World
- 2009-07: Lessons Learned: Strategy Consulting Firm Implements SharePoint to Support Knowledge Management
- 2009-06: Knowledge Management on Your Mind? A Forum for All
- 2009-05: Close Connections, Close Relatives: Electronic Records Management & Technology /Records Management & Knowledge Management
- 2009-04: Sharing and Absorbing Knowledge Across Organizational and Global Cultures
- 2009-03: Emergence – Get with it, or fade away
- 2009-02: The Role of Knowledge Management in Innovation – Case Studies
- 2009-01: Selected Views into Clinical Knowledge Management at Partners Healthcare
- 2008-12: Is There an Emerging Semantic Architecture? And Why Does it Matter?
- 2008-11: The Walls Came Tumbling Down—Librarians & Social YES-Working!
- 2008-10: How to Get it Done: Lessons Learned Leveraging Knowledge
- 2008-09: Tag Me! Social BooKnowledge Managementarking in the Enterprise
- 2008-08: “Tribal Knowledge” – Who within the Contact Center has the knowledge, and how can we engage them to share their wisdom?
- 2008-07: Dispatches from the Front Lines of SharePoint-based Collaboration
- 2008-06: The Center for Semantic Excellence: Solving “Wicked Problems” Not Addressed by the For-profit Sector
- 2008-05: So You Were Just Promoted to Knowledge Manager – Now What?
- 2008-04: Highlights from Knowledge Management 2.0 – Certainties, Show-Stoppers and Still-to-be-determined
- 2008-03: Bending the Law of Unintended Consequences (with knowledge-based decision support systems)
- 2008-02: Leveraging Expert Knowledge in a Fast-Paced Start-up: Anecdotes from the Field
- 2008-01: Managing Evidence at the Speed of Change: The Partners Healthcare Knowledge Management Approach
- 2007-12: The Five Pitfalls of Ideation
- 2007-11:
- 2007-10: From Networking to Net Work
- 2007-09: Mapping Concepts, Process & Knowledge to Drive Innovation. Visualization techniques as tools for the mind that facilitate innovative thinking
- 2007-08: Where do Ideas Come From?
- 2007-07: Coolhunting through Swarm Creativity
- 2007-06: Using Stories to Widen the Impact of Knowledge Management
- 2007-05: High-Growth CEO Forums™ — Unique CEO exchange to solve critical challenges and build best practices for growth
- 2007-04: Your knowledge portal is working, but it isn’t
- 2007-03: Enterprise Deployment: Warts and All (A Working Session on Intranet Development)
- 2007-02: Creativity =/= Innovation. How Organizations Can Really Make Innovation Happen
- 2007-01: It’s Not What You Think [on the topic of Insights]
- 2006-12:
- 2006-11: A Knowledge Management Workshop; Critical Success Factors for Knowledge Management Initiatives
- 2006-10:
- 2006-09: Tagging and the Folksonomy
- 2006-08: Increasing Knowledge Transfer by Adapting Information Presentation Style on the Fly
- 2006-07: Knowledge Assets: Can You Measure the Intangible?
- 2006-06: Engineering the Community of Practice for Maintenance of Organizational Knowledge
- 2006-05: Going Beyond “Innovation as Usual” to Make a World of Entrepreneurial Dreams Come True
- 2006-04: Inserting the “K” Initiative into the Organization (by stealth)
- 2006-03: To Tag or Not To Tag: Should We be Structuring our Knowledge Assets or is Free-text Search Enough?
- 2006-02: An Introduction to Sense-making; Understanding Difficult Challenges Using Cynefin Methods
- 2006-01: Ambient Findability: Is It the Prequel or the Sequel to Knowledge Management?
- 2005-12: Leveraging Knowledge Through Collaboration
- 2005-11: What do Blogs Bring to Knowledge Management and Communication within the Enterprise?
- 2005-10: Deep Smarts: The Engine of Every Organization
- 2005-09: Merging Formal and Informal Learning
- 2005-08: Positioning Enterprise Search: Case Studies of What it is and What it should be
- 2005-07: The Semantic Web and Federal Enterprise Architecture
- 2005-06: Collaboration Revealed through Social Network Analysis
- 2005-05: Structured vs. Unstructured Search – a lesson from the front line of biopharmaceutical R&D
- 2005-04: Learning Systems for Networked Knowledge Management: Renewal in the Colorado River Delta
- 2005-03: Using Semantic Web Technologies to Integrate the Enterprise
- 2005-02: A new way to facilitate innovation and collaboration across borders by connecting people!
- 2005-01: Fleshing out a Model for Collaboration
- 2004-12: Haystack: Per-User Information Environments
- 2004-10: …
- 2004-09: …
- 2004-08: Beyond Search: Extracting Entities, Meaning and Emotion from Content
- 2004-05: Stealth Knowledge Management – Embedding Knowledge Management into Daily Work Processes to Achieve Business Results
- 2004-03: Knowledge Management and Processing to Support Strategic Business Decisions
- 2004-02: Communities at Novell: A Case Study
- 2003-12: Bridging Knowledge at The Bridgespan Group: Knowledge Management in a Non-Profit Consulting Firm
- 2003-10: 20 years of search and categorization projects
- 2003-09: …
- 2003-07: Collaboration Models: Pure and Hybrid
- 2003-06: The U.S. Army’s National Training Center: A Model for Integrated Learning and Knowledge Systems
- 2003-05: When Knowledge Management Goes Right! – Lessons From A Professional Services Firm (Knowledge Management at Bain)
- 2003-04: Using a Knowledge Portal for Web-enabled Collaboration (w. KM Pro New England)
- 2003-03: What The Search-Box Teaches Us About Web Site Design, E-Commerce and Usability
- 2003-02: Using a Knowledge Portal for Web-enabled Collaboration; Changing the Online Marketing Research Landscape
- 2003-01: Convening (Peer-to-Peer for People)
- 2002-12: …
- 2002-11: “Knowledge Management and government innovation: Public Sector KM programs that provide models for commercial enterprise solutions (Content Networking: The XML Web Services Way; The New Crisis Management in Homeland Security: Knowledge Sharing Between the Public/Private Sectors)
- 2002-10: Network-Centric Collaboration: Knowledge Creation at the Edge of the Network
- 2002-09: Using Play to Improve Teams and Strategic Thinking
- 2002-08: Using Knowledge To Drive Up The Performance Curve – McKinsey’s new approach
- 2002-06: Best Medicine – IT and Organizational Design That Make Knowledge a Key Ingredient in Pharma Research
- 2002-05: Sharing and Retrieving Relevant Information within an Organization: An Industry Overview
- 2002-04: Harness the Brainpower: High ROI for Ideas Management; Social Network Analysis
- 2002-03: n.a.
- 2002-02: n.a.
- 2002-01: n.a.
- 2001-12: n.a.
- 2001-11: Measuring the Value of Knowledge Processes
- 2001-10: n.a.
- 2001-09: (Making the Knowledge-Strategy Connection?; Avoiding the Third Rail: Lessons Learned in the Implementation of KM; Knowledge Management for a Global Strategy)
- …Meetings n.a.
Web Channels
1) The Boston KM Forum was founded by Earley & Associates. In November 2004 it merged with the New England KMForum, until Sep 2004 known as the KMpro New England Chapter.
2) The Monthly Friday Morning Breakfast Meetings have been established in Nov 2004; precessor of the KMpro New England Chapter Bereakfast Meetings, delivered since 2003