Filed in: China (CN)

International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT)

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) seems to be interwoven with the following conference providers: American Society for Research (ASR; currently (6/24): Asia Society for Researchers) International Academy of Computer Technology (IACT) International Economics Development and Research Center (IEDRC) South Asia

Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC)*

Communities & Social Networks | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC) 1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training

China Knowledge Management Network (ChinaKM)*

Communities & Social Networks | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The China Knowledge Management Network (ChinaKM or CNKI; Chinese: 中国知识管理网; Official English name: China Knowledge Management), formerly Knowledge Management China (KMChina) also known as Knowledge Management Virtual Weekly magazine (Chinese: 知识管理虚拟周刊 or《知识管理》周刊),1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training

Knowledge Management Center (KMCenter)

Providers | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Knowledge Management Center (KMCenter or KMC; Chinese: 知识管理中心), formerly the Oak Laboratory Knowledge Management Center (Oak Lab KMCenter; Chinese: 橡树实验室知识管理中心), also known as the China Knowledge Management Center (Chinese: 中国知识管理中心), initiated by Oak Laboratory (Oak Lab; Chinese: 橡树实验室), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training