The Stowarzyszenie Praktyków Zarządzania Wiedzą, the Polish Society of Practical Knowledge Management 1), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Poland (PL)
Knowledge Management education and training opportunities in Poland
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach*
The Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach (English: University of Economics in Katowice), formerly the Karol Adamiecki University of Economics in Katowice (Polish: Akademia Ekonomiczna im. Karola Adamieckiego w Katowicach), Karol Adamiecki College of Economics, College of Economics, National College of Economic Administration, and the College of Social and Economic Sciences, has offered the following Knowledge Management
Help Desk Institute (HDI)
The Help Desk Institute (HDI), from 1999-2007 also known as ThinkService, part of the Tech Division of Informa,1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
European Conferences
Featured Conferences (World)
International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE)*
GfWM KnowledgeCamp (GKC)*
Knowledge Building Summer Institute (KBSI)*
Symposium on Advancing Community Knowledge with Generative AI (tentative)
Knowledge Management Russia (KM Russia)*
On this page you can browse the European regions for the 2025 ff. Knowledge Management conferences, conferences related to Knowledge Management, and conferences with a Knowledge Management track, stream, topic, or theme. (more…)
European Providers
Featured Providers (Europe)
- Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev)Brussels, Belgium
- Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement (GfWM)Berlin, Germany
On this page you can browse the European regions and countries for Knowledge Management education and training providers. (more…)