The Institute for Knowledge Mobilization, formerly Knowledge Mobilization Works Consulting & Training, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
1-11 hours
Knowledge Management education and training opportunities that take 1 to 11 hours
Knoco – Knowledge Management Consultants, formerly Knowledge Transformation® International (KTransform™),1) and its francisees offer the following Knowledge Management education and training
LASSIB Society*
The LASSIB Society, formerly the Lean and Six Sigma International Board (LASSIB), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN)
The Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN or KM Global Network)1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Neos Conocimiento y Aprendizaje
Neos Conocimiento y Aprendizaje (Català: Neos Coneixement i Aprenentatge; English: Neos Knowledge and Learning) and Knoco Spain1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training