The Universität Potsdam (English: University of Potsdam), formerly the Brandenburgische Landeshochschule Potsdam (BLH) and the Pädagogische Hochschule „Karl Liebknecht“, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
English language
English language Knowledge Management education and training opportunities
SIKM Leaders Community
The SIKM Leaders Community, originally named the Systems Integration Knowledge Management Leaders Community, is a community of Knowledge Management leaders from firms around the world. It was created in 2005 by Stan Garfield for Systems Integration and Consulting firms, but soon expanded to include all Knowledge Management leaders. The goal is to share experiences and
Secure Knowledge Management Workshop (SKM) Committee
Secure Knowledge Management Workshop (SKM) Committee offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
The knowman consulting company offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Internationales Symposium für Informationswissenschaft (ISI)*
The biennial International Symposium of Information Science (ISI) (German: Internationales Symposium für Informationswissenschaft) is gathering of scholars, researchers and students from Europe and beyond who share a common interest in critical information issues in contemporary society. The conference series originated in the German-language information science community but has become more and more international in recent