The Chief Learning Officer Symposium (CLO Symposium), organized by BetterWork Media Group’s Chief Learning Officer magazine, is a spring and fall event for corporate learning practitioners only. It brings together the corporate learning community for two and a half days of expert presentations, workshops and networking opportunities. The CLO Symposium represents Chief Learning Officer’s dedication
KM Conferences
Knowledge Management conferences, conferences related to Knowledge Management, and conferences with a Knowledge Management track, stream, topic, or conference theme
Global Leaders who Innovate Next Knowledge Summit (G-LINK Summit)*
- In conjunction with the Knowledge Management Summit Indonesia (KM Summit Indonesia)
Community & Stakeholder Engagement Australia**
The Community & Stakeholder Engagement Australia, formerly the Community Engagement Australia, the Community Engagement Forum and the Community Engagement for the Public Sector, is a one day forum with post-forum workshops, organized by Ark Group Australia. The forum aims to provide the latest developments and approaches to policies and practices in community and stakeholder engagement
Learning Innovation Conference (LICon)**
Die Learning Innovation Conference (LICon) – Conference on shaping learning organisations (bis 2019: Conference on Digital Learning, Knowledge Management and Stakeholder Development), ehemals die Swiss eLearning Conference (SeLC) – Konferenz für eLearning, Wissensmanagement und Personalentwicklung, präsentiert relevante und neue, businessorientierte Lehr- und Lernformen und beobachtet stets den Horizont der laufenden und kommenden Entwicklungen.
Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS)*
- Tracks: Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Strategic Decision Making