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Miscellany Articles
Miscellany articles relevant to Knowledge Management education and the Knowledge Management career profile
Advance Knowledge Management into the University of Puerto Rico’s Graduate Studies
Abstract: How can the Island of Puerto Rico, a US territory in the Caribbean, be transformed into a knowledge-based economy to play a significant role in the networked global community? This has been one of the critical inquiries of a group of faculty from different disciplines at the University of Puerto Rico, together with
Professional’s Perceptions about Knowledge Organization Curricula
Abstract: A disparity seems to exist between the expectations that librarians have of education for the knowledge organization (KO) and what is taught in accredited master’s programs across the United States and Canada. Analysis of official competencies, AUTOCAT discussion list postings, previous studies, and LIS curricula suggests that although many practitioners express this mismatch,
Educating future knowledge-literate library and information science professionals
Abstract: This paper reports the core findings of an international study that examined the perceptions of LIS community towards knowledge management inclusion in the LIS education. Taking the perspectives of members of international LIS communities, we try to identify the rationale for a paradigm shift in library education towards knowledge management. We also explore
Developments in information science education at Nanyang TU
Abstract: This paper provides an update of information science education at Nanyang Technological University through its Master of Science programme in Information Studies (IS). The program, which started in 1993, has undergone four curriculum revisions to keep it abreast with the demands of IS which is facing constant changes as a result of rapid