The Cynefin Company
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(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)

The Cynefin Company, formerly Cognitive Edge, Cynefin with Cynefin North America also known as the Cynefin Centre, and the IBM Cynefin Centre for Organisational Complexity,1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Certification/Accreditation Training
- Cognitive Edge Accreditation Program (Options: Cognitive Edge Practitioner)**2)
- Cynefin Certification Program (Options: Cynefin Practitioner; Cynefin Researcher)**2)
Training Courses
Training Programs
Cynefin® Knowledge Management Programme
Cynefin® Knowledge Mapping & Strategy Quickstart (5 months)
Knowledge Management Basecamp
Communities, Narrative and Complexity
Practical Knowledge Management: The Organization as a Knowledge Ecosystem
Knowledge Management Mapping
Harnessing Narrative Sensemaking: Future Backwards
(Creating a) Knowledge Management Strategy
Knowledge Transfer: Using Narrative & Stories
Rewilding knowledge: resilience and sense-making in a world of uncertainty (3x 3 hours)
Capturing The Knowledge of Staff Before They Leave
Setting Up an Effective Knowledge Management System
Complex Knowledge and the Dynamics of Learning: An organic approach to knowledge strategy and mapping (2 days)
Emergent Knowledge Management
Feb 2024: Dave Snowden’s 7 principles of acts of knowing, and how we build resilient knowledge ecosystems
Knowledge Management in projects (PMI Milan 12/2016)
Future Proofing Organizations (KM World 2016 Keynote)
Narrative based knowing, it’s not about telling stories (KM Australia 2014 Keynote)
Title n.a. (KM UK 2014)
Human data vs Big Data & Handling Asymmetrical Threat in Industry or Government(KM Asia 2013 Keynotes)
Big Data vs Human Data (KM World 2013 Keynote)
Sense-making and Knowledge Management (ECKM 2013 Keynote)
A new strategic role for Knowledge Management (KM): Stepping up tothe challenge of organisational agility (KM Europe 2013 Keynote)
Attracting Strategic Attention & Innovation: Managing Your Organisation to a Future You Couldn’t Have Predicted (KM Asia 2012 Keynotes)
Making Knowledge Management (KM) Strategic (KM World 2012 Keynote)
The Resilient Organization (KM World 2010 Keynote)
Recognising judgment as a key component of successful Knowledge Management (KM) (KM Asia 2010 Keynote)
Energising knowledge management through the use of judgment (KM Asia 2010 Workshop)
Strategy in the Age of Uncertainty (HKKMS Conference 2010 Keynote)
Making sense together. Real time insights from fragmented narratives (Henley KM Forum Conference 2010)
Knowledge Management (British Aerospace Conference on Knowledge Management 9/2009)
Social Computing & Knowledge Management (KM) (KM India 2009 Keynote)
Why does Social Computing work? A Natural Science Approach to Knowledge and Information Management (KnowTech 2009 Keynote)
Current state of Knowledge Management (KM), management science and what to do about it (KMPG CSIR Podcast 8/2009)
7 Principles of Knowledge Management (KM Chicago Event 8/2009)
Making Knowledge Management (KM) Strategic (KM Australia 2009 Keynote)
Gaining a competitive advantage with enterprise social software (KCUK 2009)
Resilience, Connectivity and Evolution – you can influence the evolution and sustainability of a culture (HKKMS Conference 2009 Keynote)
Social Computing (in the context of Knowledge Management) (KM Asia 2008 Keynote)
Putting It All Together: Project Management & System Design (KM World 2008 Keynote)
Knowledge Management (KM) & the global organisation (Kuala Lumpur 6/2008)
Knowledge Management at the Core: Facilitating Knowledge Sharing (SLA Conference 2008)
History of Knowledge Management and aspects of social computing (KM Asia 2007 Keynote)
Tags, Categories, & Knowledge Sharing (KM World 2007 Keynote)
Sense-making and Knowledge Management (KM) (Boston Knowledge Management Forum Symposium 10/2007)
The Impact of Web 2.0 on Knowledge Work and “Knowledge Management” (Jon Husband’s interview with Dave Snowden 10/2007)
Basic Knowledge Management (Oil & Gas Exchange Seminar, Huston 9/2007)
Social Computing and Communities of Practice (ARK Group Masterclass, Kuala Lumpur 9/2007)
Naturalising sense-making (KM Australia 2007 Keynote)
Communities of Practice (CoP) (KM Australia 2007 Workshop/Masterclass)
- The Cynefin Company Network (was: Cognitive Edge Practitioners Network)
- Cynefin Melbourne Meetup Group
- Cynefin North America
- …
- Complexity in Human Systems Symposium @ KM World
(a joint production of the Cynefin Centre for Organizational Complexity, Information Today, and Dysart & Jones Associates)-
2020: Complexity in Human Systems: Dealing with Chaos (CANCELLED)
2019: Complexity in Human Systems: Next Paradigm of Management? - Cognitive Edge conference
- Inaugural Cynefin, Agile & Lean Mashup (CALM), 16-17 February 2012, Mortimer, United Kingdom
Cynefin Centre Retreats
Nov 2019: Foresight (Wales, UK)
Aug 2019: Decision making & perception (Canada)
Oct 2018: Cynefin Retreat: Economics and Value (Wales, UK)
Aug 2018: How we design for resilience – survival through constant change (Australia)
Jun 2018: Design & Emergence (Canada)
Apr 2018: Diversity & Inclusion (South Africa)
Mar 2018: Narrative in organisations (Ireland)
Cognitive Edge Network Gatherings
- Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Singapore, United Kingdom, United States of America