Straits Knowledge
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(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)

Straits Knowledge, Straits Knowledge International, and its Associates offer the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Public Training 2022
- Workshop: Implementing Taxonomy and Search in SharePoint and Office 365 (two-weeks, online, w. Search Explained)
- Masterclass/Workshop: Knowledge Audits for Knowledge Management Planning (6 days, online)
Public Training 2018/19
- Masterclass: Implementing Taxonomy and Search in SharePoint and Office 365 (2 days)
- Digital Transformation Masterclass: Scoping Your Digital Transformation Projects (1 day)
- Knowledge Audit Masterclass: Knowledge Mapping and Knowledge Management Diagnostics for Knowledge Management Planning (2 days)
- Taxonomy Development Masterclass: Scoping, Developing and Validating User-Oriented Taxonomies (2 days)
Public Training 2016
- ShadowBox Masterclass with Gary Klein:
A Practical Method for Tacit Knowledge Transfer & Cognitive Skills Training (2 days) - Gamification Masterclass with Michael Sutton:
Serious Games in Knowledge Management and Organizational Change Initiatives–Increasing Engagement and Learning (2 days)
In-house Training
- Knowledge Management Strategy Workshop
(2 days, since 2008, was: Building a Knowledge Management Strategy and Frameworks Workshop) - Knowledge Audit & Knowledge Diagnostics Workshop
(2 days, since 2008, was: Conducting a Knowledge Audit Workshop) - Communities of Practice & Peer Collaboration Workshop
(3 days, since 2008) - Expert Knowledge Transfer Workshop / Expertise Transfer Workshop
(3 days, since 2009) - Project Learning & Knowledge Capture Knowledge
(3 days, since 2008, was: Sharing Techniques for Project Learning & Knowledge Capture Workshop) - Taxonomy Development Workshop – Developing a Corporate Taxonomy
(2 days, since 2008)
Past Training
- Rapid Knowledge Management Assessment Workshop (1 day, 2017)
- Knowledge Mapping & Knowledge Organisation – techniques for knowledge audits and taxomony development (2008-2010)
- “Knowledge Sharing Techniques” combined Workshop (2008-13)
– Peer Collaboration & Communities Workshop
– Project Learning & Knowledge Capture Workshop
– Expert Knowledge Transfer Workshop - “Knowledge Management Implementation” combined Workshop (2011-2013)
– Knowledge Audit & Knowledge Management Diagnostics Workshop
– Knowledge Management Strategy Workshop - Anecdote Circles; Cognitive Task Analysis; Culture Analysis; IM Policy Review; Open Space Technology; Project & Knowledge Management; Social Network Analysis (2006-2007, consulting services may be available as workshops)
- Knowledge Management Workshops: Introduction to Knowledge Management, Building a Knowledge Management Roadmap, The Knowledge Manager’s Toolkit (2002-2005)
- E-learning Workshops: Understanding E-learning, Building an E-learning Roadmap, E-learning as an Enabler of Change (2002-2005)
- Innovation Workshops: Opening Self to Innovation, Opening Teams to Innovation, Opening Leadership to Innovation (2002-2005)
Public Workshops co-organized with iKMS – Information and Knowledge Management Society
- 2006-08: Leveraging Social Networks for Knowledge Management Workshop
- 2006-02: Gary Klein Masterclass: Eliciting Tacit Knowledge
- 2004-10: Gary Klein Masterclass: Cognitive Task Analysis for Expert Knowledge Transfer (iKMS)
- May 2002: The Knowledge Manager’s Toolkit Workshop
Training Engagements
- 2017-05: How to conduct a knowledge audit to identify KM goals and technologies
- …
- 2015-02: Workshop on Conducting Knowledge Audits for the Insurance Industry, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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- 2006-10: Information, Records and Knowledge: an integrated approach for organisational effectiveness, Perth, Australia
- 2006-10: Knowledge Management: All About Adding Value Continuously, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
- …
- 2011-03: The Strategic Use of Business Stories, Melbourne, Australia (with anecdote)
- 2011-03: Taxonomy Development Workshop, Sydney, Australia (with Innotecture)
- 2011-07: Participatory Knowledge Management Planning Workshop at KM Australia
- 2011-09: Masterclass “Releasing Insight in Your Organisation Through the Power of Story” (with Gary Klein and Shawn Callahan) at KM Singapore
- …
- 2013-10/11: Taxonomy Development and Knowledge Audit workshops, Canberra, Australia / Birmingham, UK
- 2014-10/11: Conducting Knowledge Audits, Canberra, Australia / Washington DC, USA
- 2014/11: Effective Knowledge Auditing, London, UK
- …
- Innovations in Knowledge Organisation Conference (IKO)*
(Co-organizer: Synaptica, Straits Knowledge, PebbleRoad)-
The annual Innovations in Knowledge Organisation Conference (IKO) seeks a convergence between the application of (1) Open Standards, (2) Maturing Technologies, (3) Innovative System Architectures, and (4) Professional Services Methodologies in the field of knowledge organization through case studies, tutorials, panel discussions, and hands-on learning, to bring the latest in knowledge organisation innovations to Asia.
- Straits Knowledge Management Forum, September 4-5, 2003, Singapore 1)
(Supporter: Information and Knowledge Management Society)-
Knowledge Management Challenges: A Forum for Knowledge Management Practitioners – a two day knowledge-sharing and problem-solving forum on the key issues and challenges facing Knowledge Management practitioners in Singapore
Principles of Knowledge Auditing (book)
- Mar 2023: Zombie Knowledge: How to Navigate Major Change, Build New Capabilities, and Prevent Old Capabilities from Getting in the Way @ ISKO Singapore Chapter
- May 2023: Virtual book launch party @ Straits Knowledge
“Ask us anything” sessions:
Topic: KM and organisation transformation (Asian Development Bank)
Topics: Organic knowledge management, ASHEN, Max Boisot’s contribution to KM (Cognitive Edge)
Topic: The differences between team knowledge and individual knowledge (ShadowBox Training) - May 2023: Why we should not be describing knowledge as an asset @ SIKM Leaders Community
- Jun 2023: How to map your knowledge @ Straits Knowledge; Scoping a Knowledge Audit to Support KM Planning Needs @ CILIP UK K&IM Annual General Meeting
- Jul 2023: Finding the value in knowledge – The agony and the ecstasy of knowledge audits @ Melbourne Knowledge Management Leadership Forum; Reviewing Principles of Knowledge Auditing @ IsA DataThing (Book Review series)
- Sep 2023: Knowledge Audits: Case Study Cafe & “Ask Me Anything” Knowledge Cafe @ IKO Conference; ISO 30401 implementation @ SIKM Leaders Community
- Oct 2023: How can a knowledge audit contribute to knowledge management planning? @ ISKO UK
- Nov 2023: KM Audits & ISO panel (ADB’s KM journey) @ KM World Conference
Roundtable Series on “The Business Value of Knowledge Organization Systems”
(Organizer: Synaptica, Straits Knowledge, Factor, Dovecot Studio)
Mar 2022 #1: Why do we need Knowledge Organization Capabilities?
Apr 2022 #2: How do we Build Capabilities in Knowledge Organization Systems?
May 2022 #3: What does it take to Sustain and Reap Value from our Capabilities in Knowledge Organization Systems?
Explaining Knowledge Management
Team Knowledge: A Conversation with Gary Klein
Is Knowledge Management (KM) Dead? Larry Prusak, Dave Snowden, Patrick Lambe
On Being a Knowledge Manager: Conversation with Patricia Eng, Senior Knowledge Management Advisor at the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Knowledge Audit Tutorials
Knowledge Audit Basics
Knowledge Auditing – Applied
Knowledge Mapping and Diagnostics Demos
Knowledge Audit Day 1-5
Day 1 – Types of Audit
Day 2 – KM Diagnostics
Day 3 – n.a.
Day 4 – Analysing Knowledge Maps
Day 5 – KM Planning