European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL)*

European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL)*

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The European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL) is an opportunity for academics, practitioners and consultants from Europe andelsewhere who are involved in the study, management, development and implementation of web enabled and ICT initiatives in the learning and teaching sectors as well as the professions to come together and exchange ideas and examples of best practice. Since 2015 ECEL hosts the e-Learning Excellence Awards.

Topics of Interest:

  • 2002-2005: Knowledge bases and Management; Web-enabled knowledge management

Conference Streams of Interest:

  • 2008: Knowledge Management and e-Learning

The International Conference on e-Learning (ICEL), which was created in 2006 to expand ECEL (est. 2002) outside of Europe, merged with ECEL in 2019.

Topics of Interest:

  • 2006-2018: Knowledge Management; Communities of Practice

Conference History:

24th ECEL 2025, 22-23 October 2025, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

(Host: Centre for Digital Learning Technology, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark)

    Conference program TBD

    Key Topics:
    Educational Technologies
    Blended Learning
    Distance Education
    Learning Analytics
    Inclusive Education
    Mobile Learning
    Game-Based Learning

    Mini Tracks:
    Artificial Intelligence in Education, a Lifelong Learning Challenge

    Expanding Digital Learning Spaces
    If You build It… Will Teachers Use It? Bridging the Gap Between TEL Research and Real Classroomsy

23rd ECEL 2024, 24-25 October 2024, Universidade Portucalense, Porto, Portugal

(Host: Economics and Management Department & Science and Technology Department, Universidade Portucalense)

    “Knowledge” Papers:

    Mini Tracks:
    Intelligent Adaptive e-Learning Systems and Applications

    General Track Streams:
    Asynchronous Learning, Cheating and Frustrations
    Online Engagement
    10th e-Learning Excellence Awards
    Flipped Classrooms, MOOCs and Blackboard
    Online Learning
    Digital Tools
    Entrepreurship and Innovation Education
    Assessment and Evaluation
    Blended Learning
    Devices for Learning
    Virtual Streams (2)

    PhD/Masters Colloquium

    Collaborative Games as A Mechanism Supporting Monitoring and Evaluation of Collaborative Learning Processes
    Openness, Flexibility, Adaptability and Personalisation: How AI is impacting digital education
    When Virtualization and Hybridization Causes Challenges for Teaching at University

    10th e-Learning Excellence Awards

22nd ECEL 2023, 26-27 October 2023, University of South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa / Virtual venue

(Host: School of Computing, College of Science, Engineering & Technology, University of South Africa, )

    “Knowledge” Papers:

    Mini Tracks:
    The Design of Learning Content and the Development of Learning Activities for STEM Education (CANCELLED)
    Higher Education for a Generation of Digital Natives (CANCELLED)
    The Past, Present and Future of e-Learning
    Flipping in Practice: Flipped Learning for Higher Level Student Engagement and Active Learning (CANCELLED)
    Teaching the Principles of Robotics in Education: Community of practice, engagement, and robotics resources (CANCELLED)
    Intelligent Adaptive e-Learning Systems and Applications (CANCELLED)
    Leadership, Organisation and Change for Successful e-Learning (CANCELLED)

    General Track Streams:
    Student’s Perspective; Technology; EL Issues; AI and Cyber Training; Challenges; Design Issues; e-Learning Innovation; Independant Learning and Soft Skills; Learning Analytics and Validity; e-Learning in Practice; Student’s Acceptance; Teacher and Academic Development; Assessment and Exams; e-Learning Ideas; Posters (with a Work in process (WIP) Paper)

    ChatGPT: The first year
    The Role of African Feminisms in Shaping a Sustainable Future of Being and Learning
    Digital Standards for South Africa’s Basic Education Sector

    Interactive Knowledge Cafe: Empowering Educators in Coding and Robotics: Bridging the Trainer Gap

    9th e-Learning Excellence Awards

21st ECEL 2022, 27-28 October 2022, University of Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom

(Host: Centre for Digital Media Cultures, School of Architecture, Technology and Engineering, University of Brighton)

    “Knowledge” Papers:

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Oct 27)

    Mini Tracks:
    Integrating OERs in Course Design for Blended and e-Learning (CANCELLED)
    Disruptive Technologies in Education
    Hybrid Classrooms and Student Engagement
    e-Learning Applications in Social Media Networks (CANCELLED)
    Autoethnographies: Academics Experiences and Lessons Learned from the Pandemic

    General Track Streams:
    Online Learning and Teaching; Improving the learning experience; Digital Tools; Online Learning and Teaching; Languages and Reading; Covid-19; Impact of Covid-19; Assessment and Analytics; Technology; Autoethnographic Research; Educational and Student Development; Gamification; Literature review and hybrid/flipped learning; Case Studies; Posters; PhD Colloquium

    Developing Augmented and Virtual Reality in Training Adults from Underrepresented Groups
    Broken Games for Learning

    8th e-Learning Excellence Awards

20th ECEL 2021, 28-29 October 2021, University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin, Berlin, Germany Virtual venue

(Host: Creative Media Research Group, University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin)

    “Knowledge” Papers:

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Oct 27)
    Collaborative Card-Based Learning Objective Design; Experiences in developing and implementing online remote laboratory and simulations for eLearning

    Mini Tracks:
    Remote Laboratory and Simulations for eLearning: Experiences in Developing and Implementing Online Remote Laboratory and Simulations for eLearning; Applying Innovative Applications; Mobile Learning, Teaching, and Training; Strategies for Online Learning: From f2f to blended and hybrid learning; Recommendation Systems in e-Learning (CANCELLED)

    General Track Streams:
    Language learning and Podcasts; Games and Online Knowledge Sharing; Teachers; Online Communities; Pedagogy; ICT; Video; The Arts; Covid-19; EL Issues; e-Learning Tools; Design Issues; Applied e-Learning; PhD and Masters Colloquium; Poster Session (Posters with a WIP Paper; Posters Only; Invited Posters)

    University of the Future
    Reflecting on Higher Education Examinations

    7th e-Learning Excellence Awards

19th ECEL 2020, 29-30 October 2020, University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin, Berlin, Germany Virtual event

(Host: Creative Media Research Group, University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin)

    “Knowledge” Papers:

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Oct 28)
    Knowledge Engineering Paradigms in Smart Digital Learning

    Recommendation Systems in e-Learning; Using Technology (VLE) to Achieve Excellence in Teaching and Learning; Gamification in Education; Social Media as Learning Tools (CANCELLED)

    General Track Streams:
    Design issues; Digital learning; Design issues; Assessment; Online teaching; Assessment and analytics; tbA; e-Learning effectiveness; Covid-19; e-learning for Specific subjects; Blended and collaborative learning; Learning Management Systems; MOOCs and Video; Poster with a WIP Papers; Poster Only; PhD Colloquium

    Does Game-based Learning Really Work?
    This is the Time for Universities to make Blended Learning a Strategic Dimension for their Future

    6th e-Learning Excellence Awards

18th ECEL 2019, 7-8 November 2019, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark

(Host: Department of Learning and Philosophy and Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University)

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    e-Learning and Learner Knowledge Sharing Quality: Ahlia University as a Case Study
    Developing Creative Online Learning Communities: A Case Study of Student Perceptions
    Situating Resilience, Grit and Growth Mindset as Constructs of Social Presence in the Fully Online Learning Community Model (FOLC)

    Pre-Conference Workshops: (Nov 6)
    Virtual Collaboration in Online Learning Environments; eExams (CANCELLED); Examining Elements of the Fully Online Learning Community Model (FOLC) (CANCELLED); Using Technology for Active Learning in both Online and Face-to-Face Courses

    Gamification in Education; Supporting and Motivating e-learning Teachers

    General Track Streams:
    MOOCs; Lifelong Learning; Interactive Learning; Social Media; Learning Styles and the Teacher’s Role; Learning English; Teaching Programming; Flipped Classroom; Policy and Special Needs; Mobile Learning; Implementation and Design; Arts and Soft Skills; Blended Learning; Collaboration; Higher Education; Innovative Technologies; Video; Online Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Distance Learning; PhD Session; Poster with a WIP Papers; Poster Only

    An Interactive Exploration of Higher Education (HE) Pedagogy Using Game Design Features and Technologies: Towards Next Generation Webinar Learning
    Does IT work? Investigating factors at play in e-learning research

    5th e-Learning Excellence Awards

17th ECEL 2018, 1-2 November 2018, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece

(Host: Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering, University of West Attica; Computer Engineering Division, Hellenic Air Force Academy)

    Note: The host for ECEL 2018 was supposed to be the Technological Educational Institution (TEI) of Athens

    “Knowledge” Papers:

    Pre-Conference Workshops:
    The Role of Online Tutorials in a Flipped Classroom Approach to Learning; Training the Social Learning Trainer

    General Track Streams:

    Everything is blended learning
    Learning Affordances of Virtual Reality
    Education is too Important as to Still Teach like in the Middle Ages

    4th e-Learning Excellence Awards

13th ICEL 2018, 5 – 6 July 2018, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa

Conference Theme: Blended learning and learning analytics
(Host: Research Unit Self-Directed Learning, Centre for Innovative Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Cape Peninsula University of Technology)

    Pre-conference workshops:
    The i3 Model: Rethinking how Faculty teach high quality online and blended courses

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    The Effectiveness of Electronic Tools to Share Knowledge
    Modelling the Knowledge-Sharing Behaviour of Students on Facebook

    Mini Tracks:
    Design Thinking for Learning & Teaching in Higher Education
    Strategies for evaluating online course outcomes
    Promoting Active Learning: Possibilities and Pitfalls
    Strategies for evaluating online course outcomes

    General Track Streams:

    Learning Analytics
    e-Learning for Development
    What Pokémon Go taught me about collectionism in e-learning
    Challenges of online learning for campus-based universities
    Technology as a means of uniting universities in the service of our students.

16th ECEL 2017, 26-27 October 2017, Porto Accounting and Business School, Porto, Portugal

(Host: E-Learning and Pedagogical Innovation Unit, Porto Accounting and Business School, Polytechnic Institute of Porto)

    “Knowledge” Papers:

    Pre-Conference Workshops:
    Content Analysis Using webQDA Software; Training the Social Learning Trainer

    Mini Tracks:
    Posthumanism in Education
    Data Analytics for Assessment and Feedback
    Social Media in Education
    Wearable Technologies in Learning and Teaching
    Diversity and Inclusive Teaching
    The variety of uses of video in e-learning
    Integrity of Student Assessment

    General Track Streams:

    Online learning: enhancing teachers and students skills in higher education
    E-learning in Higher Education: analyzing two critical factors: organizational strategy and teachers professional development

    3rd e-Learning Excellence Awards

12th ICEL 2017, 1-2 June 2017, University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA

(Host: Department of Learning Sciences and Educational Research, College of Community Innovation and Education, University of Central Florida)

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Mobile Knowledge Management in Maintenance
    Taking on Opportunity Divides via Smart Educational and Personal Knowledge Management Technologies

    Mini Tracks:
    Emerging Trends and Best Practices in Learning Management Systems (LMS)

    General Track Streams:

    Top Ten 21st Century Trends and Issues in e-Learning and Human Performance
    Harnessing the Force of Online Learning

15th ECEL 2016, 27-28 October 2016, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

(Host: Faculty of Education, Charles University)

    “Knowledge” Papers:

    Pre-Conference Workshops:
    Mobile technology for in the field research; “If you are not on-line, you are not alive” A short introduction to Mathematica Wolfram in education; MOOCS: Design to Delivery

    Mini Tracks:
    Virtual Learning Environments for Evaluation and Self-reflection
    Learning (R)Evolution: Experimenting New Models
    Social Learning
    Open Education Practices
    New Generation Learning Spaces
    Internet of Things and Wearable Technologies applied to e-Learning

    General Track Streams:

    Mathematics Education in the Digital Era
    The use of Brain-Compatible Learning in an e-Learning Environment
    Opportunities and Threats in Introducing Educational ICT for Cognitive and Personal Development of Students

    2nd e-Learning Excellence Awards

11th ICEL 2016, 2-3 June 2016, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

(Host: Global Open Access Learning (GOAL) Centre, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia)


    “Knowledge” Papers:
    ICT Tools Usage’s Effectiveness by Communities of Practice in Promoting Knowledge Management Innovation
    An Optimized Group Formation Scheme Considering Knowledge Level, Learning Roles, and Interaction Relationship for Promoting Collaborative Problem-Based Learning Performance

    Mini Tracks:
    Connecting To Learn
    Dungeons, Dragons, and Dice – Using Storytelling and Gamification to Engage Learners
    Online and Open Distance Education – For Arabic Papers

    General Track Streams:


14th ECEL 2015, 29-30 October 2015, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK

(Host: Technology Supported Learning Research group & Information Systems and Project Management subject group, University of Hertfordshire)

    Knowledge Papers:
    Student Data: Data is Knowledge – Putting the Knowledge Back in the Students’ Hands
    Digital Pedagogy and the Social Construction of Knowledge in Physical Education Teachers
    The Use of Microblogs for Organisational Learning in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs)

    Pre-Conference Workshops:
    Learning design and learning analytics: building the links with MOOCs; Using technology to support good practice in assessment and feedback in online and distance learning

    Mini Tracks:
    Wearable and Mobile technologies in education
    Learning Analytics – From Collection and Interpretation to Action
    Applying eLearning Approaches When Teaching About Employability Within Students Disciplines
    Social media and collaboration
    The Flipped classroom

    General Track Streams:

    Innovating for learning: designing for the future of education
    Mobile Learning – No Longer Just e-Learning With Mobiles

    1st e-Learning Excellence Awards

10th ICEL 2015, 25-26 June 2015, College of the Bahamas, Nassau, The Bahamas

(Host: Faculty of Social and Educational Studies, College of the Bahamas)

    Knowledge Management
    Communities of practice

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Transfer of Knowledge and Skills from Computer Gaming to Non-Digital Real World Contexts
    Web 2.0 Use in Knowledge Management: Measuring Increased Effectiveness of User-Driven Reference Tools (Poster)
    21st Century Learning: Community of Practice for Students
    Using Conceptual Understanding to Develop Communities of Instructional Practice through Boundary Objects’ Formation

    Mini Tracks:
    Flipped Classroom and Technologies
    Assessing Instructor Effectiveness in the e-Learning Classroom
    Promoting Student-Centred Learning using Mobile Technology

    General Track Streams:

    Keynotes: (2)
    ICT for education: A solution in search of a problem?

13th ECEL 2014, 30-31 October 2014, Aalborg Universitet, Copenhagen, Denmark

(Host: IT and Learning Design Research Lab, Department of Philosophy and Learning, Aalborg University)

    “Knowledge Papers:
    Smart Learning and Collaborative Authoring Based on Knowledge Level
    Promoting Professional Development in Open and Distance Learning Settings: Developing Communities of Instructional Practice
    Promoting a Community of Practice Online – How Important is Social Presence?

    Mini Tracks:
    Teaching with technology
    A Bespoke Curriculum how far is this feasible
    Teaching and Learning in Open Online Higher Education

    General Track Streams:

    New Wine in No Bottles: Immersive, Personalized, Ubiquitous Learning
    Reconfiguring Users: Tracing how users find their way into the world of developers and designers

9th ICEL 2014, 26-27 June 2014, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaiso, Chile

(Host: Department of Industry, Technical University Federico Santa Maria)

    Knowledge Management
    Communities of practice

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Employing Objective Measures in Search of a Relationship between Knowledge Blogs and Introductory Programming Performance Outcome
    Communities of Practice: The Impact of Web 2.0 Technologies

    Mini Tracks:
    Appropriate Technologies for Challenging Contexts
    Employability vision in university teaching thanks to innovative learning technology and models
    Using social media for teaching, learning and research
    Future Universities

    General Track Streams:

    Keynotes: (2)

12th ECEL 2013, 30-31 October 2013, SKEMA Business School, Sophia Antipolis, France

(Host: Organization and Information Systems Department, SKEMA Business School)

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Rich Media Knowledge Management Platform Framework for Continuing Education (Poster)
    Promoting a Community of Practice Online – How Important is Social Presence?
    Training Teachers to learn by design, through a Community of Inquiry

    Mini Tracks:
    Mobile Learning
    E-learning and knowledge production: a futurist perspective
    Video conferencing in teaching and learning
    Institutional change and e-learning innovation
    Tools for eLearning design and evaluation
    Life Long Learning

    General Track Streams:

    Uncertain futures: adapting to rapid change through patterns and analytics
    Passionate Learners: Lifelong Learning in a Flux

8th ICEL 2013, 27-28 June 2013, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa

(Host: Educational Technology Unit, Fundani Centre for Higher Education and Development, Cape Peninsula University of Technology)

    Knowledge Management
    Communities of practice

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Knowcations – A Meme-based PKM System-in-Progress (Poster)
    Enhancing the Postgraduate Experience of Assessment and Feedback in a Learning Community
    Digital Immigrant Students’ Adoption of Online Community of Inquiry – FUTA Case Study

    Mini Tracks:
    Emerging technologies for teaching and learning: Creating innovative learning spaces
    Appropriate Technologies for Challenging Contexts
    Enhancing Teaching and Learning with Mobile Devices
    E-learning as a tool for enhancing equality in education and subsequent graduate employability

    General Track Streams:

    Panel discussion:
    e-Learning in Different Contexts

    Disaggregation in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
    Managing ICTs in Education – a South African perspective

11th ECEL 2012, 26-27 October 2012, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands

(Host: Faculty of Medical Sciences & Education, Innovation and Technology unit, University of Groningen)

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Democratizing Knowledge Construction – The Promise of Web 2.0: A Historical Perspective
    Some Policy Implications of Bridging the Knowledge Gap in Clinical Transfusion Medicine Through E-Learning (poster)

    Mini Tracks:
    Changing Roles of Teachers

    General Track Streams:

    Confessions of a Converted Lecturer
    Blackboard, Moodle, Sakai, OER, Flipped Classrooms and the Democratisation of Education
    Opening up Education
    Designing to learn, learning to design: Perfecting the blend in blended learning

7th ICEL 2012, 21-22 June 2012, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

(Host: Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, Chinese University of Hong Kong)

    Knowledge Management
    Communities of practice

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Integration of Virtual Welding Technology, e-Learning and Activity Based Training in order to transfer Skills, Knowledge and Competence in a Life-Long Learning Context
    Building Effective Virtual Learning Communities in MBA Online Programs

    Mini Tracks:
    Appropriate Technologies for Challenging Contexts
    Blended learning in today’s environment
    Web 2.0 technologies for Social and collaborative Learning
    Mobile learning

    General Track Streams:

    Open Educational Resources: A more Inclusive E-Learning Environment
    Addressing the challenges of engaging students and staff in the effective use of mobile devices in higher education

10th ECEL 2011, 10-11 November 2011, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK

(Host: Business School, University of Brighton)

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Evaluating the use of Social Networking Sites as a Tool for Knowledge Sharing for Developing Higher Education in Developing Countries: An Exploratory Study of Egypt and Iraq
    Mobile Knowledge Sharing for Language Learners (Poster)

    Mini Tracks:
    Accessibility awareness in e-learning Management
    Personalized learning in online environments
    Open-source and Open Educational Resources in e-Learning
    Beyond virtual silos and institutional walls
    Intelligent Tutoring on e-Learning Platforms

    General Track Streams:

    Trajectories of learning – new approaches and directions”
    Don’t lecture me! ….and why technology is only scalable solution” click here for a brief overview
    Designing Education and Reshaping Learning

6th ICEL 2011, 27-28 June 2011, University Of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC, Canada

(Host: Centre for Teaching and Learning, Faculty of Education, University Of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus)

    Knowledge Management
    Communities of practice

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Twitter and Edulink – Balancing Passive Consumption with Knowledge Creation (Poster)
    Social Not-working? Building an Online Learning Community
    Trustful Online Learning Communities

    Mini Tracks:
    Implementation and adoption of eLearning
    Mobile Learning

    General Track Streams:

    Small Technologies with Big Potential: Lessons Learned from Colleagues in Challenging Contexts
    New Methods for Enhancing Student Engagement in e-Learning

9th ECEL 2010, 4-5 November 2010, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Porto, Portugal

(Host: GILT (Graphics, Interaction and Learning Technologies) Research Group, Engineering School, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto)

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Organizational Learning as a Guarantee to Survive and a Competitive Advantage for Universities

    Mini Tracks:
    Evaluating Virtual Learning
    Personalised eLearning
    Game and Simulation Based Learning

    General Track Streams:

    Using Intelligent Technologies to Support e-Learning
    Open Source / Open Contents for e-Learning

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Nov 3)
    2nd International Workshop on Semantic Web Applications in Higher Education (SEMHE)

5th ICEL 2010, 12-13 July 2010, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia

(Host: School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia)

    Knowledge Management
    Communities of practice

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Microblogging for Reflection: Developing Teaching Knowledge Through Twitter
    eLearning Knowledge Mangement and Learning Organisation: An Integerated Perspective
    Integrating eLearning in the Knowledge Society
    Virtual Communities of Knowledge: Assessing Peer Online Moderators’ Contributions
    Leveraging Diffusion in eLearning: Organizational Learning Attributes
    Investigating the Roles of Students in the Development of a Collaborative Learning Community Through Networked Learning: A Malaysian Perspective

    Mini Tracks:
    e-Learning and Outcomes
    Using social software for teaching and learning

    General Track Streams:

    Using mobile devices to contextualize, personalize and promote student-centred learning
    The Digital Native in a New Era: Apartheid or Democracy?

8th ECEL 2009, 29-30 October 2009, University of Bari, Bari, Italy

(Host: OSEL (Open Source e-learning research project), Faculty of Economics, University of Bari)

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Mobile Knowledge Management Toolkit
    Emergence of the Most Knowledgeable Other (MKO): Social Network Analysis of Chat and Bulletin Board Conversations in a CSCL System

    Mini Tracks:
    Using Web 2.0 in Higher Education
    eLearning in a global context

    General Track Streams:

    eLearning research and practice: Unity from Diversity
    Learner-centred learning object repositories: personalization and interaction issues

4th ICEL 2009,16-17 July 2009, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

(Host: Department of Theory and Policy Studies in Education, University of Toronto)

    Knowledge Management
    Communities of practice

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Teachers’ Perception on Knowledge Management: A Case in a Secondary School
    Knowledge Portal that Promotes Organizational Learning in the University and the Company
    Design Research Outcomes of Collaborative Knowledge Building in a Web-based Continuing Education & Professional Development Program for Family Physicians
    Knowledge Management Leveraging e-Learning in Universities
    Online Communities of Practice as Agents of Change in Curriculum Development
    Knowledge Transfer in the On-Line Environment (Poster)
    Persisting Chat for Online Communities of Practice (Poster)


    Disclosing the Commons: On Breaking the Structural Limits of Education
    Thinking Outside the Bachs: Music, Materiality, and Mash-ups in the Information Society

7th ECEL 2008, 6-7 November 2008, Agia Napa, Cyprus

(Host: Software Engineering and Internet Technologies Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus)

    Stream: Knowledge Management and e-Learning
    Knowledge-Ticket-System – A Knowledge Broker for Universities
    Developing Information Literacy Skills by Using e-Learning Environments in Higher Education
    Feedback in the Concept Map Based Knowledge Assessment System
    e-Learning and e-Citizenship Between PKM and PST
    Exploring a Professional Social Network Environment for Learning and Development
    Reflections on Developing Knowledge Together: Involving People with Disabilities in Education

    Other “Knowledge” Papers:
    Supporting Teachers’ Pedagogical and Content Knowledge of Statistics Through Distance Learning
    e-Learning and Digital Dialogue – From Speech Acts to Collaborative Knowledge Building
    Use of International Internet Discussion Boards to Promote Health and Technology Knowledge and Skills in Nursing Education
    Reflections on Developing Knowledge Together: Involving People with Disabilities in Education
    Assessment of the Growth of Knowledge in Collaborative Learning Networks
    Computer vs. Book: Effects on Motivation and Gain in Knowledge
    The Development of Formal and Informal Learning Through Online Communities of Practice and Social Networking

    Mini Tracks:
    e-Learning Support for Work-Based Learning
    e-Learning in Developing Countries
    The use of Social Networking Tools in Health and Social Care – current position and future developments
    e-Portfolios in Education
    Web 2.0 Tools & Assessment
    Student Reflections on Using e-Learning Technologies

    General Track Streams:
    Blended Learning; e-Learning and Education; Learning Objects; Regional Applications; Tools and Methods; Applications; Evaluation; m-Learning, Podcasting; Case Studies; Virtual Mobility; Web 2.0; Design issues; Tools; e-Learning and Education; Models and Design; Knowledge Management and e-Learning; e-Learning and the workplace; Web-Based Learning; e-Learning Solutions; User Experience; e-Accessibility; e-Learning Course Issues; …TBD (1)

    Promoting Best Practice in e-Learning and Virtual Campuses

    What do educators care about e-learning environment architecture? (The dialectic relationship between software architecture and pedagogical utilization of e-learning environments)

3rd ICEL 2008, 26-27 June 2008, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa

(Host: Centre for Educational Technology, University of Cape Town)

    Knowledge Management
    Communities of practice

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Merging Real Life Experiences with Technical Knowledge in a Playful Manner: A Case in e-Inclusion
    An Exploration of a Distributed Community of Practice of South African Life Science Teachers
    The eLIDA CAMEL Model of Collaborative Partnership: A Community of Practice in Design for Learning
    An e-Learning Mandala reveals how a Community of Practice is Sustained Through a professional Development programme


    Why should developing country universities be investing in ICT for teaching and learning?

6th ECEL 2007, 4-5 October 2007, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark

(Host: Department of Culture and Learning, Copenhagen Business School)

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Engaging with blogs to Develop an Online Staff and Student Learning Community
    Making It Stick: The Use of Online Discussion to Support Continuing Professional Development in Higher Education Communities of Practice
    Exploring Virtual Opportunities to Enhance and Promote an Emergent Community of Practice

    Mini Tracks:
    e-Learning and Health
    Online and Virtual Communities

    General Track Streams:

    Knowledge Cafe

    Keynotes: (2)
    Challenges in Implementing e-Learning at Universities

2nd ICEL 2007, 28-29 June 2007, Columbia University, New York, USA

(Host: Teachers College, Columbia University)

    Knowledge Management
    Communities of practice

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Developing Critically Thoughtful e-Learning Communities of Practice
    e-Learning in Virtual Communities of Practice – And Beyond? Research Findings Based on Interviews with Students and Teachers in Second Language e-Learning Settings in Denmark
    Making It Stick: The Use of Online Discussion Fora to Support Continuing Professional Development in Higher Education Communities of Practice
    ‘Lawrence Blaine is Unwell’: A Web-based International Community of Practice to Engage Nursing Students in the Planning and Delivery of Health Care

    Communities of Practice

    E-learning in the Workplace: The Ideal Future

5th ECEL 2006, 11-12 September 2006, University of Winchester, UK

(Host: Business School, University of Winchester)

    — (noKM)

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Procedural knowledge representation in a learning management system

    Titles n.a.

    Socratic Dialogue

    Panel Discussion:
    Can we predict what makes for a successful e-Learning environment?

    Dilemmas and Choices in Management Education

1st ICEL 2006, 22-23 June 2006, University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada

(Host: School of Management, University of Quebec)

    Knowledge Management

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Developing Resuscitation Knowledge and Skills Through Blended Learning: What are the Experiences of Healthcare Staff?
    Learning and Performing in a Knowledge-Based Society
    The Best Available: University e-Learning and the New Economy of Knowledge

    Titles n.a.

    Socratic Dialogue

    Panel discussion:
    How is the growing use of mobile devices for learning affecting the design of online learning programs?

    Imaginary Worlds and e-Learning

4th ECEL 2005, 10-11 November 2005, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

(Host: n.a., Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences)

    Conference program n.a.

    Knowledge Bases and Management
    Web-enabled knowledge management

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    e-Learning as a Tool for Knowledge Transfer Through Traditional and Independent Study at two UK Higher Educational Institutes: A Case Study
    System Design of an Independent European AVD Knowledge Base
    A Method for Personalized Tracking in Knowledge Construction
    Collaborative Online Teaching -The Inevitable Path to Deep Learning and Knowledge Sharing?
    Developing the Communities of Practice Framework for Online Learning

    Titles n.a.

    Knowledge Café

    Panel Discussion:
    Can we use the experience of blended learning to suit all categories of learners?

    Some issues on conceptual models of new media communities

3rd ECEL 2004, Universite Paris Dauphine, Paris, France, 25-26 November 2004

(Host: Centre d’Etude et de Recherche en Informatique Appliquée, Universite Paris Dauphine)

    Conference program n.a.

    Knowledge Bases and Management
    Web-enabled knowledge management

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Knowledge-based web-enabled agents and inteligent tutoring systems.
    Working with knowledge management in the archival domain: Using sematic web metadata from proimary sources in the e-learning process
    On using e-learning tools in knowledge management
    Bridging a Learning Object Repository and an authoring environment: intergrating the ARIADNE Knowledge Pool System into Galatea
    Creation of a European AVD-knowledge base

    Titles n.a.

    Knowledge Café
    Panel Discussion

    Frameworks for Learning Processes

2nd ECEL 2003, 6-7 November 2003, Open University, Glasgow, UK

(Host: Institute of Educational Technology, Open University)

    Conference program n.a.

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    Doctoral Colloquium

    Knowledge bases and Management
    Web-enabled knowledge management

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    A Strategic Approach to Knowledge Management and Learning in the Information Age
    E-Learning –Knowledge-based Instructional Training System for Operation Training in a Semi-conductor Industry” –Analysis and Design
    Cases in Web Enabled Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Management in University e-Learning Activities Support
    Knowledge Representation for Reusable Learning Objects within Scottish 5-14 Curriculum
    Learning Technologies Within Learning Organisations

    Learning on the Outernet

1st ECEL 2002, 4-5 November 2002, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK

(Host: n.a., Brunel University)

    Conference program n.a.

    Knowledge bases and Management
    Web-enabled knowledge management

    “Knowledge” Papers:
    Building a Hybrid Model of Support for a New Community of Practice in the Public Sector
    Increasing the Usability of Knowledge Descriptions by Imposing Constraints on the Knowledge Representation
    Acquiring the Most Relevant Knowledge for an e-Learning System
    A Tutorial Task and Tertiary Courseware Model for Collaborative Learning Communities
    Integrating Distributed Learning with Just-In-Context Knowledge Management

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One Reply to “ European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL)*”

  1. Do you accept poster on “Combating the impact of COVID-19 with proven motivational E-learning strategies and accurate online assessments”

    (KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Sep 27, 2020 – Boris)

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